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*rean and Nikolas walk through the temple stoping at a library*
Nikolas:Here we have the library
Rean:You can drop the act.
Nikolas:What act?
Rean:I'm not a tourist
And you know it.
Nikolas:Oh I know I was showing you.
AN exit
Nikolas:You see this bookshelf?
What about it?
Nikolas:*knocks on the back of it*
It's a door.
Only a human can open it
*nikolas pulls a book out of the shelf*
Nikolas:This is a book of HUMAN spells and since humans died off a while ago with the last ones being the skyorians we just rounded up all the human magic some elves can use human magic but only from a specific bloodline.
Rean:but I can't do magic.
Nikolas:Not without a 🎶booook🎶
Rean:Really?Just a book
Nikolas:Books are magical, Literally.
Open to page 42.
*rean does as instructed*
Rean:It's magic from ember.
Nikolas:Fire plus wood equals...
Rean:How about I just shoot it down with this spell?
Nikolas:eh.I guess it iiiis skyorian magic go ahead kid knock yourself out
*rean draws a rune on a paper and a gun appears as the paper is vaporized*
Rean:*shoots the bookshelf
The shots could be heard from throughout the whole temple*
That was loud
Nikolas:What did you expect?
*the gun vanishes as the last bullet is used*
Rean:I don't know
*there's a large tunnel*
So just down there is the exit
Rean:nice knowing you!
Nikolas:*grins as she walks into a dark hall*
Rean:It's really dark here.
*suddenly she falls into the pitch black*
*Nikolas goes into the dark tunnel and as he reaches the other side his petals bloom*
Rean:*eventually lands on a large rock floating through a dark world where nothing is visible except the faint glow of eyes*
W-where am I?
*Nikolas' roots connect to the rock rean is sitting on*
Nikolas:*his voice has changed from innocent to a cold whisper that echos through the dark*
Nhahahah welcome to the shadow realm,Bucko
Rean:I thought that it was seal off a long time ago
Nikolas:It was but uh you know the celestials Babylon didn't just vanish *snaps with his vines*
like that
Rean:can you get me out of here?
Nikolas:Hhhhmmmm,I could.But I'm not gonna *the vine extends to a portal that had appeared in the distance and he slingshots himself into it as it closes*
*rean is left alone in the darkness*

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