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I made my way back to my dorm, internally spiralling as I analysed what had just happened. Was I sure the person I had just met wasn't drunk? Not entirely. Was she a little weird? Absolutely. Was I happy I had found a physical person to hype with over my favourite artist? Definitely.

Did I at any point of time during the last 2 hours stare at her and think about how utterly gorgeous she was?
Maybe. Maybe while she was pointing to the stars and showing me the constellations while telling me the stories behind them, watching how her irises, with the reflection of the stars, showed what looked like a stormy night sky. Maybe as I watched her beautiful fingers dance along the imaginary lines across the dark sparkling expanse, maybe as I noticed the small natural smirk that made it's way across her lips every time she made a snarky reply. The sight made me smile too.
Wait what?
I shook my head. There is no way you caught feelings for someone you've just met. This isn't Disney, you're not Anna.
But are you straight?
As a person who has only ever dated men,  you would think the answer was pretty clear. Yes, I'm straight.
So you accept you found the men you were dating attractive?

I never said that.

The squeaky sound of my sneakers was the only noise in the long monotonous corridor of white walls and brown doors with black numbers, the quiet seriously making me question whether I had stepped into the right building or not. The dorms particularly in this side of campus were never this quiet. Did everyone go to bed early? Did they get drugged? Did a mass murdering serial killer enter when I was gone and brutally kill everyone?
There would have been blood if that was true, I tried reasoning with myself. At least one person would have tried to escape their bloody doom.
what if the method of killing was strangulation?
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine sweetheart.
wait, did you just say that in her voice?
I shook my head to gain my bearings. Okay, make it to your dorm room first, praying that a psychotic asylum escapee who might have murdered everyone isn't waiting in it, I thought; Not that I had much of a problem with dying, it was gonna happen one day or the other, but right now would just be kind of inconvenient.
I tiptoed to the door with the number "33", putting my ear up to the thin plywood to listen for any noise. Maybe someone dragging a body to stack in the closet, maybe someone loading a 0.30 carbine 9mm Winchester magnum to shoot me straight in the heart and then commit necrophilia with my body which would be absolutely disgusting-
Although I would argue falling over when my roommate opened the door isn't the greatest ending either.
"Linn, there's no one hiding dead bodies somewhere in our tiny ass room. And there's definitely no one loading a gun to shoot you."
I raised my head off the floor to see my roommate, Eden, standing with what was either a "ur-so-stupid" or a "get-a-life-other-than-true-crime-podcasts" look.
"You know me so well, eds."
They helped me up, and I noticed their outfit. "Feeling more feminine today are we?" I asked, a little edge of humour in my voice.

Eden was BiGender- most of the time they preferred they/them pronouns, though they always told me if the preference changed for sometime.

They laughed, covering their mouth with a beautifully ornamented hand, glittering with steel and silver rings. "Maybe," they replied, eyes sparkling (That's my que, by the way. Certain gender preference? Certain pronoun use).
"Before you ask, most people are off at your boyfriend's Black Friday party and penny brought pasta," she said, putting air quotes around the word "boyfriend". I mean, there were definitely rumours of Daniel being a little- fruity- but we had been going out for two months. Could it really be true? Sure, he never initiated any kind of intimate contact except for cuddles sometimes, but-
"Jesus- it's 4 AM, where have you been?!"
I pursed my lips.
Chatting with a girl who's prettier than the moons and stars combined? Fangirling about probably the cutest and finest man alive? Wondering about how It would feel like to kiss her beautiful and probably delicious lips under the light of a setting sun?
"Taking a walk," I replied, setting my stuff down on the little shelf by my bed. "Just needed to get some fresh air after crying for a solid half hour."
She looked at me sceptically. "Was the album really that sad?"
I gave her a look. "Except for best friend and disaster? Yes."
She just snickered, and I couldn't help but crack a smile at the sound. "Asshole," I mumbled, throwing a stuffed crow at her. "How can you be so unkind as to eat your girlfriend's delicious pasta all alone and then criticise me for my pain and tears? You are cruel."

She rolled her eyes at my antics, catching the stuffed animal with ease. "Oh please, drop your bootleg Shakespeare act and grab a plate. There's pasta in the microwave, go gorge yourself out."
My smile widened instantly. "Aww, so you aren't cruel and unfeeling," I remarked adorably, grabbing some of our stacked away Tupperware. "Who knew the biblical Eden could be kind. What pasta is it though?"
"Riccioli with beetroot and cherry tomato sauce," she replied, she replied, not looking up from her phone as she typed away, undoubtedly talking to Penelope, or Penny as we called her. "She knows you go crazy for it, so she made a little extra."

I hummed a little tune as the food turned in circles with the water inside it vibrating at speeds high enough to turn it to steam (that's how a microwave works. Oversimplified, It uses actually micro wavial radiation to make the water molecules in your food vibrate at very high speeds to basically cook it from the inside! Also, did you know that koalas carry-)
"who were you even with for the last 3 hours anyway?"
The train of thoughts in my mind stopped abruptly and I turned, the room silent and only ever punctuated by the beeping microwave. "No one, just-"
but then I couldn't finish the sentence. I knew who she was by looks, lips and voice, but not by name. "I might have forgotten to ask her name."
Eden looked at me for a good thirty seconds before rolling her eyes like a fully expectant, hardly disappointed mother and sighing.

"You know, sometimes you really make me question how you managed that award in biochemistry in our first year."

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