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Lisea noticed that Mahina was not in school. She glanced around the classroom, expecting to see his familiar face, but he was nowhere to be found.

Concerned, Lisea goes to Mahina's friend's dorm, he knocks on the door "Have you guys seen Mahina today? He's not in class."

Leo and Alexander exchanged a glance. "No, we haven't seen him till he went home yesterday," Alexander replied, a hint of worry in his voice.

"This might be possible that it's related to him revealing his situation to his parents," Leo chimed in, his brow furrowed in thought.

Lisea nodded, considering Leo's observation. "I agree. Even if he told them normally it shouldn't affect his attendance at school."

"He may be sick," Alexander suggested, but Leo quickly shook his head.

"No, I don't think that's it," Leo said. "Mahina's not the kind of guy who would miss school just because he's sick, right Lisea?"

"yeah," Lisea agreed. "We need to find a way to go check on him without anyone seeing us. Go to his house, "

Leo nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. "The problem is, compared to Mahina who lied yesterday, we can't do the same thing. That would raise suspicion."

Alexander's brow furrowed, the concern evident on his face. "and won't we get in trouble if we're caught? I mean, skipping school isn't exactly allowed."

Leo shrugged "It's a risk, sure, but I think it's worth it. Mahina needs us, and we can't just sit around waiting for something to happen."

Alexander sighed "Alright, fine. But if we get caught, I'm blaming you two."

"A plan that is well prepared will not be failed, I promise," said Lisea, her eyes shining with determination.

"Okay, first we'll need some materials," Leo whispered. "Flashlights, for sure. And we'll need to time the guards and professors who pass by during the breaks and lunch. That way, we can find the best time to slip out unnoticed."

Leo, who knows what Lisea is thinking, added, "You're right, but we won't do it at night. This isn't a movie; the night guards will be very attentive. There are only two entrances to the school."

"You're right, so we need to do it during the break, I think," said Lisea. "The guard is less active during that time and less suspicious, but the problem is no matter what we do, he'll see us because there's only one way in and out."

"I might have an idea," said Alexander, a glint in his eye. "Why not pretend to lose a ball, for example, and gather in a large group near the school guardian? At the same time, we can ask him for something, so he'll be so distracted by the confusion that he won't count us as we slip out discreetly behind his logis and head towards the forest."

Leo's face lit up with a grin. "The guard will be so focused on the commotion that he won't even notice us slipping away." He paused, his brow furrowing. "But we'll still need to be really careful. One wrong move, and we're busted.

" but how can we convince many children to do this? " said Lisea

still thinking Leo watches his windows when he sees someone familiar. " those guys might be up for a bit of mischief," he said to Lisea and Alexander

Lisea followed his line of sight and nodded approvingly. "Good thinking. They're always looking for an excuse to cause a ruckus."

Alexander, however, looked uncertain. "Are you sure we can trust them to keep this quiet? They don't exactly have a reputation for discretion."

Leo shrugged. "Maybe not, but we don't really have much choice. We need a big enough distraction to slip away unnoticed."

Lisea placed a reassuring hand on Alexander's shoulder. "Don't worry, Alex. We'll make sure they understand the importance of keeping this under wraps. This is for Mahina, after all."

The trio approached the group of rowdy boys, and Leo spoke up, "Hey, guys. We've got a favor to ask..."

The boys turned their attention to the trio, their eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"What kind of favor?" Damian, the tall, lanky boy, asked.

Leo leaned in, his voice low and conspiratorial. "We need your help to create a big distraction during the break. Think you can handle that?"

Damian's eyes widened, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. "A distraction, huh? Hmm, interesting. But what do we have to gain?"

Alexander chimed in with hesitation, "Fun?"

Damian held up a hand, his expression turning serious. "We've got a couple of conditions."

The three exchanged a glance, but Leo gestured for Damian to continue.

"First, we want in on the action," Damian said, his voice firm. "If you're going to sneak out, we want to come with you."

Alexander's eyes widened, and she stepped forward. "Wait, wait, wait. This is already risky enough with just the three of us. Adding more people could really complicate things."

Damian shrugged. "Hey, it's your call. But we're the ones who can really make a scene and distract the guard. Without us, your plan might not work at all."

Leo stroked his chin, considering Damian's words. "Okay, but only one of you can go with us, and it's me who makes the choice."

Damian's eyes narrowed. "You make a deal with me, so it's me who decides."

Lisea stepped in, a slight smile on her face. "Yes, but if you don't accept that, there's no deal at all."

Damian clicked his tongue. "Tsk, fine. But I'll add a condition - when you return here, you'll have a challenge. Deal?"

Lisea exchanged a glance with Leo and Alexander, then turned back to Damian. "Okay, deal."

Damian grinned, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Let's go, then."

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