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Jisoo was in her shop after school. her bicycle right outside of the shop door.

"Jisoo I'm leaving for market, take care of the shop" Jisoo's boss Mr Gong told. "sure I will! take your time" Jisoo salutes smiling. Mr Gong smiles back and left.

As usual she was waiting for people to come and buy flowers. But mostly on valentine's day they brought flower for their loved one, otherwise they don't. Why not buying flower everyday for your girlfriend? She always thinks about this.

She felt someone entering. Again it was Taehyung. she wants to have a conversation with her classmate but she heard about him this morning and Lisa has already reminded her not to talk to him at all.

she has to attend her customers so of course she has to talk. She politely said after walking to him, "What kind of flowers do you want?" Taehyung turned around, have a look on her face and turned his back again. "White flower" she remembers yesterday he took that white flower bouquet. She nodded and walks to the bouquets and wrapped for him one.

"Here you go" she handover to him. he took it making sure not to touch a strand of her. He really hates touch.

he kept the money on the table and ran out. "Have a goo-" Jisoo was left incompleted as he just ran away. she stretched her fingers weirded out by this guy.

Next morning, Jisoo missed Hyunsik coming home for breakfast. she pouts eating the breakfast alone. Then she thought to facetime him, she ate while talking to him on call.

"Jisoo!" she felt someone calling her out from outside of her house. Voice sounds like Rosé, her neighbour. She comes out looks up at the second floor of the small house type building. "Yes Rosie?" She looks up at the tall girl. "Bring me a Red bouquet while you come in the evening!" She yells making sure Jisoo heard. "Okay! Do you have a date again?" Jisoo yells embarrassing Rosé on the road.

Rosé rolls her eyes going inside, not staying anymore at the balcony.

Jisoo finally started on her bicycle, going to class. She hums a song while she rides her cycle.

As she enters into school ground, people always gives her looks at how old her bicycle was. It was cute for her but people would make fun of it.

"Jisooyaa why don't you buy new one?" a guy from the basketball team says. He was Suho, it wasn't a secret that he has a crush on her. Jisoo tend to ignore his feelings always.

"I love this one. You should never replace things you love" Jisoo replies parking her bicycle. She straight went to library first, as she has to return the books Irene, senior has given her two days ago.

"Jisoo why do you have to do works of senior too? Isn't it bullying?" The librarian says as she always sees Jisoo doing works for others.

"It's just returning a book. No biggie!" She gave a warm smile.

Going out of the library she now looks for her friends. They all were in canteen having breakfast. None of them would eat from home ever. "you guys should eat from home at least in the morning" Jisoo takes a seat beside Jennie. "We don't have a our great cook Jisoo in our home so no" Lisa munches on her toast while talking. Jisoo sighs.

"Jisoo, lisa told me Taehyung is your seatmate. Make sure not to have any interaction with him" Jennie talks to Jisoo as if she is a baby. "Ummm....too late by now" Jisoo scratch her neck. "what? What do you mean?" Jimin and Jennie asks together. Lisa stops eating for a moment.

"Hehe actually he came twice in the shop" Jisoo nervously laughs saying. "What did he do in the shop?" Lisa asks astonished to heat Kim Taehyung went to a flower shop. "umm..to buy flower" Jisoo says the obvious.

"Sus though! Why would he buy flower?! Does he have a girlfriend?" Jimin asks Jennie, the gossip queen who knew what's happening in the whole school. "No he doesn't have a girlfriend as far I know" Jennie says as if she's his PA.

"He said for funeral one day" Jisoo replies. "Omg don't tell me he killed someone" Lisa dramatically yells. Jennie rolls her eyes pushes some french fries into her mouth.

"Jisoo try to make yourself invisible infront of him" Jennie again reminds her while walking Jisoo to the classroom. "Jennie why are you acting like Jisoo is going on some war?" Jimin rolls his eyes pushing Jennie's hand away from Jisoo's shoulder. "Have a good day guys!" Jisoo wishes her two friends and went inside the classroom with Lisa.

Jisoo looks around the classroom as usual the loud room. Her eyes falls on her seat, the seat beside her empty. Maybe he hasn't arrived yet.

Joy came to Jisoo, "hey did he trouble you yesterday or said anything rude?" Jisoo shook her head no. "you sure?" Joy asks. She nods. "Okay let's see what happens today" joy says and walks back to seat.

As Jisoo takes a seat, the class slowly started after the teacher arrived.

Taehyung didn't came today. So she didn't had to face any problems thank god.

She walks out of the classroom and looks for her friends. They go home together. "Thank god he didn't came! He better never comes so you'll have a peaceful year" Lisa laughs.

Jisoo comes to her workplace later. He didn't came here either. she took the red flower bouquet for Rosé and walks to her home.

Reaching her home, she first went to Rose's apartment and rang the bell. Giving Rosé the flowers, "I'm in a hurry or else I would keep you for dinner" Rosé apologizes. "It's alright! Have a good date!"Jisoo winks.

Tiredly walks down the stairs and walks to her house. As she lays on her bed she remembers something very detestable. "My bicycle!" She screams her lungs out.

She ran outside and the bicycle is not here. She walked home from work. "Oh my god! Where did I lose it?" She cries out sitting on the road. People around watching her. One of the elderly people came to her, "Jisoo what happened?" she stops hiccuping for a moment and says, "i lost my bicycle" everyone knew this bicycle has been with her since the time they first saw her.

"It's okay honey, you can buy another" the elderly man says to comfort her. "no I need that only" she again cries.

Jisoo's face puffed next morning due to crying so much. Why is she crying over a bicycle?

Jennie, Lisa, Jimin and Rosé sitting around her in her room trying to explain her that they will gift her another one. She was stubborn she wants that only.

After not being able to persuade her they walk out sighing giving up.

Then Rosé again came to talk to her, "why do you need that only? You can just buy another or I'll buy for you" she wipes Jisoo's tears. "I want that only" Jisoo keeps repeating same.

Rosé finally gave up and gave a suggestion, "you're talking as if it's some locker with diamonds, it reminds me of how I had lost my diamond ring" Rosé scoffs remembering that ring. That ring has a memory.

"How did you get it back?" Jisoo looks at her curiously. "I had to talk with some people who takes money and bring that ring to me" The talk Rosé meant was illegal of course. Those people would beat the shit out of the person to bring the stuff the customer asks for.

Now jisoo's mind made a plan. She knows how to get back get her ring. "who's that person who brought yours?" Jisoo asks.

"Someone named Taehyung" Rosé says without caring too much. She didn't knew Jisoo knows who is Taehyung.


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