Chapter 12 : Frustration - Relaxation

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"Look on the bright side," Aiela began. "Not everyone can give someone a bloody nose from across the room."

Venza huffed and rolled her eyes, though Aiela couldn't see it because she had her face buried in a book about local plant life. They were in Venza's room, seated on opposite ends of her four-poster bed. Her room was a little larger than Aiela's, though in many ways it mirrored it. History books and manuals on the martial arts occupied nearly all space on Venza's bookshelf. She'd skimmed through most of the history books and re-read the manuals on a regular basis.

The wooden walls were painted the soft pink of cherry blossoms in full bloom. Her window opened out onto the gardens as well, though it also gave a view of the front gates. Unlike Aiela's room, Venza's was furnished with its own connecting bathroom, through a separate door on the right.

It had been a week since she'd punched the pebble out of the air without touching it. Aiela had called the spell 'Reach,' and said it was mostly used to grab things from a distance.

Venza couldn't do that. At most, her version let her touch an object for a second or two before turning itself off. She hadn't been able to perform any other spell they'd tried to get her to do over the week, either. All she could do was punch things she could see without actually touching them.

When she'd ranted about this, Aiela pointed out most people couldn't do that and she should stop taking it for granted. She reluctantly conceded the point.

"I guess I'm just a magical anomaly," Venza said bitterly, standing up.

Aiela laughed. She'd been showing more expression over the week. "Welcome to the club. Where are you going?"

"Blowing off some steam," she answered. "Gonna see if Vosmer can teach me to use a spear like he does."

"Do you think he'll beat you up?"

Venza quirked an eyebrow. "Probably? I've never beaten Vosmer in sparring before. Not even close."

Aiela's lips twitched into a smirk. "Count me in, then." She folded her book and set it on the bed. She'd gotten quite comfortable in her new home over the week.

They found Vosmer in the back garden, sitting by himself on a stone bench like he did on many afternoons. He always said he enjoyed the peace and quiet, though Venza suspected he made himself available to her on purpose.

He had a ledger on his lap and a pencil in hand. Venza almost would've bought that he'd come there just to do paperwork if not for the pair of wooden practice swords resting against the bench.

He looked up as he heard them approach, grinned, and placed the ledger on the bench. "Good afternoon, Venza, Aiela."

"Good afternoon, Vosmer," Venza said. "What were you working on?"

"The numbers for reinforcing the Rentley garrison," he explained, gesturing at the ledger. "We're sending two dozen men along with the half dozen mages Lady Greyfield suggested."

"Half?" Venza questioned. She was pretty sure her mother wanted a dozen.

Vosmer scratched the back of his head. "The Imperial Army can't spare mages to protect a low-value asset, so we're pulling those men straight out of our own troops here."

"Well, I could always lend a hand on patrols and stuff," Venza offered.

Vosmer smiled, not unkindly. "Kind of you to offer, but you still have a bit of growing to do. Ask again in five or six years."

Venza huffed. "Anyway, I was wondering if you could teach me something new today."

The lieutenant quirked an eyebrow. "Such as?"

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