Ch - 3

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~ You were that oh so handsome football captain ~

~ Niel Malhotra ~

Okay Niel all set for meeting , we'll ignore the fact that we've barely slept last night in excitement .

Perhaps , I won't faint in front of her .

As I was suit up for today's meeting which is not in our office but in restaurant , our restaurant . And the temperature in Berlin can drop anytime , let me grab my jacket .


I still can't believe she's is sitting in front of me , and I sighed of in relief .

" so it's finale we are having not one but two outlets right ? " she asked .

I simply nodded , and her eyes were shimmering . After few minutes I asked " so as it's almost time for the lunch , what should we order " .

Her manager came back after answering a call " mam I gotta go , an important no really important file is locked in my cabinet and I had the keys " she said to Tara .

She nodded giving her permission and while grabbing a good opportunity , I nudged Raichand hinting him to leave .

He made an excuse and left the place .

" so should we wait for em " she asked very firmly .

Niel : " we don't actually have to "

Tara : "  thank god , cause am starving . Can we have something Indian "

She looks cute .

" of course we can , our restaurant is Indian " and we ordered few desi cuisines , and the way her face lighten up when the food came to our table . She looks dam cute .

She rolled up her sleeves and stared to have her meal , meanwhile I was just admiring her .

" So Tara , I really wanna know you really don't remember me "

She lifted her eyes from her to plate to meet my gaze " is there anything more to remember than We are newly assigned business partners ? " .

I let out a soft chuckle at her reply " clearly means you don't " and after getting a nod in no from her I added " BBA batch 2016 in DU , if I am not wrong " .

Her doe eyes extended in shock and changed into rage as she took that fork beside her plate and pointed towards me as if it's a knife " Are you bloody stalking me " .

I gently took that fork from her hands and placed it back to its place " you think I am that cheap " , she scanned me up to down and snapped back with  " look wise no , But who knows " and she shrugged off .

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief , she nodded and asked " you gonna tell me or not , how did you know that "

A grin dancing on my face " Ahhh it's a long story "

Tara : " and I have enough time for that story "

Niel : " so long story short , your first year was my last year "

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