Chapter One

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The chains that were placed around my wrist and feet were too tight.

If being suffocated In this cell wouldn't kill me, they surely would. 

I pulled on them for what must've been the billionth time.

Across from me, in the same cell, Michonne, who I'd nicknamed Mick, sighed long and hard.

"They're not going to budge, Rae, and you know it." Michonne was the only person on earth who called me that.

It was short for my middle name Raelynn.

Mick also happened to be the only friend on earth that I had. I looked up at her, meeting light brown eyes.

Mick was used to me by now. She was used to how I would meet her gaze with an even creepier gaze of my own.

And she was used to my bright red eyes.

So unlike everyone else, she didn't flinch or turn away when I looked at her. 

"These are killing me and I know they're killing you from how pale you are." She lifted a shoulder as if it was the least important thing to her.

And maybe it was. But it wasn't too me. "Cenet!" I called for the owner of the store. Or as the Vampire's called it, the pet store.

I can't pinpoint the exact time or day I was placed here, but all I know is that it feels like all my life.

Every waking memory that I have is of this cage and Mick and the other girls in here with us.

Some of the ones that have been sold, I've completely forgotten about. And I feel like shit because of it.

Anyways, Cenet and I were somewhat close. Close in a way that me and Mick were.

I respected him because he didn't drink any of our blood. Other Doppelganger's that's been placed here told stories of the last store they were in and how the owner used to steal blood.

Which was entirely forbidden by their Queen. Unless they were brought.

They weren't.

Cenet looked away from where he sat while he sharpened his long sword. I think he's taking precaution.

I couldn't even begin to explain how many times he's been nearly robbed even if I wanted to.

Cenet wears his long blond curly hair in a bun, and his eyes, eyes that are an amber yellow, resembling a Vampire's lock on mine.

Cenet blinks, still not accustomed to my eyes yet.

I was the only pet here with red eyes. The only one who didn't look like a Doppelganger of a human.

Even though I clearly was. Their Queen made me herself.

Why I came out differently, I didn't know.

"What is it, Serenity?" I hold up my hands and the chains dangle.

"They're too tight. Me and the others can barely breathe."

He looks away, seemingly uninterested. Bastard.

"They're supposed to be that way." I drop my hands. "Why?"

"So, you can't hurt me. Or try to escape." He says and I look around the room. And the cage that me and Mick and all the others are currently stuck in.

"Does it look like we could even attempt such a thing? I mean, most of us are too weak to even try." I pause.

"No, excuse me. All of us are too weak to try. You hardly feed us enough. And we're Doppelganger's. Of a human. How would we stand a chance against you? All it takes is for you to eat our flesh."

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