🕷 ᴠᴇᴇ's ɢᴀᴍᴇ sʜᴏᴡ 🕷

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A little bit after Teagan's tea party ended, all of the toons that ended headed back to their designated areas.

Web was in they're room, watching toodles climb on theyre big spider webs throughout they're room like it was a jungle gym, chuckling, until the intercom came on, a toon handler speaking.

"All toons please head to the filming set, All toons head to the filming set please"

The toon handler spoke, a small 'beep!' Before the intercom turned on.

"Looks like Vee's filming another episode, We should get going now, now get on down from there!"

Web teased, Toodles rolling her eyes.

"No I don't wanna!"

She pouted, being stubborn as always.

"Your gonna get in trouble, you know that,"

Web said, one of theyre spider arms arching up and plucking Toodles from the web, while she was throwing a fit.

"You can cry later Toodles, we have to go"

Web spoke with a tired tone, walking out they're room and too the elevator, while Toodles was throwing a fit, punching and biting the spider arm that was wrapped around her.

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Web and Toodles stepped into the elevator, accompanied by Astro, Cosmo, And Finn

"Hey Astro, how's it goin'?"

They spoke, glancing at the three tunes,

"I'm fine, thanks for—

"Hai Web! How are you today? Is Toodles okay? Sorry for cutting you off Astro,"

Cosmo spoke, Web rolling theyre eyes, they didn't like Cosmo, not that they had beef with him or hated him, he was just overly friendly.. And annoying.

"I'm just great, thanks for asking"

Web said, annoyed, Cosmo smiled with a nod, clearly not getting the memo.

"And you two?"

Web asked

"I'm fine,"

Astro replied again, and then Finn spoke.

"I'm just peachy! Also did know you that fish always know their weight?"

Web blinked in confused, they honestly didn't give a fuck on how Cosmo or Finn were doing, they would be a bit concerned if Finn wasnt doing well, considering the two were friendly acquaintances, but Cosmo? It was whatever.

"I didn't know that.. why would you even say that if you don't mind me asking—

"Cause they have they're own scales! "

Finn spoke, chuckling, Web rolled they're eyes at his dad joke, but they couldn't help but think it was a little bit funny, they let out a small snort, as the elevator beeped, signaling they were on the film set floor, the five toons exited the elevator, Toodles had calmed down by now, but was still grumpy.

Loads of toon helpers and toons were running around set, Vee sat in a directors chair, that said 'Vee' on the back, entwining her finger on her microphone cord, looking bored, until she noticed the five toons walk up to her.

"Oh, hey guys, have you seen Shelly anywhere? She's supposed to be back with my microphone cord.."

She spoke, the toons shaking they're heads,

"How's everything going?! who's gonna be on this episode?!"

Cosmo spoke excitedly, practically jumping up and down, he knew damn well it wouldn't be him, but he still wanted too know.

"Sprout and Scraps, What about it?"

She spoke, Cosmos eyes lighting up at the name 'Sprout', damn, he was DOWN BAD.

"Sprout, really?! Tell him Im rooting for him!"

Web always thought Cosmo and Sprout were cute together, Vee snickered with a Nod.

"Will do Cosmo, will do,"

A toon handler then walked up to the five, Astro noticing they're were no longer any toons on this floor, and only toon handlers, and Dandy.

"We need to redo set, and grab some machinery AND Vee's new mic cord, we've sent the other 13 toons down to the whare house to grab everything, there's quite a bit, so we're gonna need you guys to go down they're too, including Vee"

The toon handler spoke, until Astro chimed in.

"13 toons? But theres 21 of us, us 6 are here, and theres 13 down there? That's not 21"

He spoke, his blanket still wrapped around him.

"We haven't been able to locate the other two, Boxten and Brightney."

The toon handler spoke, receiving a nod from Cosmo and Toodles.

"Well, go on and get down there,"

The toon handler spoke, writing something on they're clip board, before walking away, Vee hopped off her chair.

"Well, you heard em, let's get going."

Vee spoke, the 6 toons heading for the elevator once more.

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—— (1) That was a long chapter, my apologies if there's any spelling/Grammer mistakes, I've always had issues with it, anyways long chapter kinda.

—— (2) Little disclaimer! Toodles and Web are not related! It's kinda obvious because Toodles is an 8-ball and Web is a spider, the two more family at heart, and also in this book, Vee does have emotions, I know many people head canon her to be a emotionless bitch, but I dont, she's just nonchalant.

—— (3) Anyways hope you enjoyed this kinda long chapter! And I hope you enjoyed the little fruitcake/Cosmo x Sprout I added in there, rest assured they're will be more, and other ships!

— (4) Thanks for reading! And please make sure to follow if you enjoyed this book, you can get announcements on when chapters come out if you do! Yvonnie out :3


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