Andi Lupin hurried through the corridors to class. She didn't like being late, but that always seemed to be the case. She couldn't help it, but her professors were beginning to show an irritation towards her tardiness.

She rounded the corner of the door and catching her foot on the frame; making herself fly forward barely catching her balance on the desk in front of her.

"Miss Lupin!" Professor Binns announced, exasperated, "That is fourth time you've been late this week. Without counting the number of tardies prior!"

Andi straightened herself up and looked at him, "I got hung up in the library, professor."

Professor Binns lifted a quill and wrote out onto a slip of paper, "I'll be issuing you a detention." he held up the paper for her to come fetch.

Andi swallowed and walked sheepishly to the front, her classmates watching. She heard someone snickering in the back, but she had no desire to scan the room in search of who.

She took the detention slip from Binns and walked to her seat. She sighed and looked at paper.

After School Detention
duration: 3-4:30
Student: Andromeda Lupin
signed off by
Cuthbert Binns

Andi cringed at the slip and closed it into her textbook.

"You could've made it on time, if you'd left with me." Victoire whispered into her ear.

Andi looked at her friend and swallowed, "It didn't feel right to leave that chapter unfinished."

"Then, check out the book."

"That takes too long."

"Not if you—"

"Silence. Or do I need to give a detention to you as well, Miss Weasley?" Binns interrupted.

Victoire looked at him and smiled, "No, professor."

The day went by quickly until that afternoon when she stood outside Binns' classroom, wondering how likely it was for him to have forgotten.

"Hey, Lupin! You have to touch the door for it to open!" a girl, Freya Moore, exclaimed.

Andi shot a look of fury at her before walking into the classroom. She couldn't understand how a muggleborn such as Freya could have the audacity to speak to her like that. Andi was the daughter of two survivors of the second wizarding war.

"Miss Lupin!" Binns said, dryly, "Nice of you to join us."

Andi looked around and jerked her head, "We're the only ones in here." she pointed out.

Binns made a sound like he tutted his tongue, but it got caught behind his lips, "Take a seat."

Andi slid into a nearby seat and pulled out a roll of parchment and a quill. Binns told her what to write and she did so. As she sat writing her lines, her mind began to endlessly wander. She wished she was anywhere but that classroom.

When she was finished writing, she looked up at Binns as she slid the parchment to the corner of her desk. Binns picked it up and nodded to her; signaling she was free to go. Andi gathered her things and walked out the door; stuffing her quill, inkpot, and parchment in her bag.

As she walked through the corridors on her way back to the common room, she felt her neck hairs prick up. She looked around for what was putting her on edge, but saw nothing at first.

When she turned forward again, she saw Freya standing at a window, surrounded by her friends, as she fiddled with an object. Andi couldn't tell what it was, so quickened her pace, still trying to figure what it was.

"How'd you get it, Frey?" one friend asked.

"Yeah. My mam says they was all destroyed." another one added.

Freya scoffed, "I have my ways."

Andi saw the shiny time turner in Freya's hand and her eyes went wide.

"Stop fidgeting with that!" Andi shouted at her.

Freya approached Andi, swinging the time turner in front of her, "Oh? What're gonna do to stop me?"

Andi's temper snapped and she reached out for the time turner. She yanked it to herself and Freya yanked it back.

"You shouldn't be messing with things you don't understand!"

"Neither should you!"

Suddenly, the chain snapped and the time piece fell to the floor and shattered. A puff of mist swirled up. Andi's eyes went wide and tried to run; Freya did the same. But it was no use.

They were pulled from their time and fell into another. When Andi looked around for clues at to when they were, she noticed how different Hogwarts looked.

They were sometime before the war ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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