{OT5} - your friends are a bad influence (requested)

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You tried to quietly close the door behind you as you walked into the dorm.

It's late in the night, somewhere close to three am the last time you checked your phone, and you were supposed to return to the dorm a few hours ago.

But you lost track of time with your friends and you're a little late.

However, it didn't matter how quiet you tried to be because the light in the living room turned on a few seconds after you closed the door.

When the room lit up, you almost jumped out of your skin and gasped when you saw the girls in the room.

"Oh, gosh. You scared me." You chuckled.

"What are you doing home so late, Y/N?" Lia asked.

"What are you, my parents?" You scoffed. "I know we live together and I know you care about me but I work hard and I deserve to have fun sometimes."

"We know you do. But we worry about you." Yuna said as she stepped closer to you.

While she looked concerned, Yeji and Ryujin looked upset.

"What were you doing and who were you out with?" Ryujin wondered.

You were a little insulted by her questions and let out another scoff.

"Why is that any of your business?"

Yeji placed the bottle of alcohol on the table with a thud followed by the pack of cigarettes.

"You were out with those friends of yours again, weren't you?" She asked. "We found these in your drawer today."

"Why were you snooping through my things?" You angrily asked.

"We weren't! Chaeryeong just so happened to need an extra charger and we know you keep them in your dresser drawers sometimes." Lia said and Chaeryeong lowered her head. "She found them."

"And she was worried. Understandably so, we all are!" Ryujin said. "Y/N, we know your friends gave you these. We've told you before that they're a bad influence on you!"

"They are not!" You argued.

"They gave you cigarettes and alcohol. If they cared about you, they wouldn't have given you these things because they know how harmful that is especially when you're an idol. If JYP found out about this, you'd be in so much trouble! We don't want that to happen to you." Yeji said as she anxiously tangled her fingers in her long dark hair.

You couldn't look at them; you felt so ashamed and so upset with yourself.

Not just for being caught but also because you know they're right, as much as you don't want to say it out loud.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you risking your career and your life?" Chaeryeong asked as all five of them looked at you in worry.

You shrugged your shoulders in response but that wasn't a good enough answer for them.

"Come on, Y/N. We know you better than that. You trained for years. You've given your blood, sweat, and tears to get to where you are. We all have. We know how hard you've worked and everything you sacrificed and we know you'd never throw that away for something meaningless." Ryujin said.

You sat down at the table and they all took a seat around you, waiting and hoping for an honest answer.

"I guess I just enjoyed being a little rebellious. I never had that phase when I grew up because I didn't want to risk losing everything. But when I met them, they didn't know who I was and they just treated me like a normal person. It felt nice to be able to escape from everything and have fun."

"And you deserve to have fun," Yuna told you as she put her hand over yours. "But there's a difference between fun and dangerous. You're throwing so much away and for what? People that don't even care?"

"Do they know you're an idol now?" Yeji wondered.

"Yeah. They found out after we played the MMA awards."

"And they continued to encourage you to drink and smoke?" Lia asked in disbelief.

"I didn't do it." You confessed. "I mean, I drank a little. But it's not illegal because I'm not underage. But I didn't touch a cigarette. I was too nervous. But I kept them in my drawer because they told me I should. They think I smoke."

You watched them all look at each other.

"I understand if you're disappointed and decide to tell JYPE. I deserve it. I snuck alcohol and cigarettes in and I risked losing everything. I deserve to suffer the consequences."

"No, you don't." Chaeryeong softly spoke.

You lifted your head and looked at them in surprise.

"Y/N, a lot of idols drink sometimes. At the end of the day, we're all people and we enjoy letting loose and having fun. That's natural. But you know the difference between right and wrong and that tells us that you still care."

"I do.' You quietly said. "I can't believe how stupid I was. I don't know why I did all of this. I know part of me wanted to rebel a little against everything but..."

"Part of you wanted to be accepted too. You met a few friends that you thought were good and thought cared about you. But they don't." Lia spoke.

"I know." You sighed. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Ryujin replied reassuringly.

They all stood up and wrapped you in their arms as your eyes filled with tears.

"We won't tell anyone. This is our little secret, we promise." Yuna said comfortingly.

"Just remember that we're your real friends, okay? You have five people right here in this dorm that love and care about you more than anything. We don't want to lose you." Chaeryeong whispered.

"We've all come so far together and if one of us wasn't around, it would be devastating. So please don't do this again. We can't lose you." Yeji pleaded, making you even more emotional.

"I promise, never again. I feel the same way. I love you girls so much and I can't imagine not doing this with all of you. I'm in this for life with you all."

"Us too." Lia grinned as you pulled away from each other.

"It's late. Let's head to bed. We'll get rid of all of this tomorrow but let's rest tonight." Yeji said and after a few more hugs, you all headed to your rooms.

And even though you were a little emotional and had a lot of regrets about everything, you knew that everything was going to be okay.

You will always have your girls and that's all that truly matters.

So, before you went to sleep, you deleted and blocked all of your now ex-friends and thanked all of your lucky stars that this happened tonight because they weren't worth it.

You've worked so hard to get where you are now and you will never risk anything to lose ITZY or MIDZY ever again.

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