Chapter 8: Konačna čista

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 Arman wakes and removes the lid of the pod, only to hear the blare of a klaxon screaming in his ears. Around him is chaos. The walls of the room burn with a fire as black as space, yet as bright as the sun. It had no heat, and yet everything shimmered as if the flames were hot as the sun. He jumps out of the pod, suddenly realising that the flames are spreading to the door.

Arman, seeing that if the fire, or not-fire, as it would seem, reaches the doors, he will be unable to leave the pod room. Arman jumps out of his pod, and starts running towards the giant doors. But even as he sprints, he knows he will not be able to reach the doors.

The doors open with a bang, and Arman sees all the other Pures, waving him on, yelling at him to run faster.

Then, Aaravos pushes past them, and yells "Neka se Arman Aguirre pojavi na vratima, u svom fizičkom i eteričnom obliku."

Arman feels a sudden pulling sensation, and all of a sudden, he runs headfirst into Lamarin, who stands in the doorway. Lamarin, catches him, and helps him stand up. They both turn to look into the Pures Pod room, and see the flames gather into the centre of the room. They turn to look at the flames, and see the face of Mrak Stolas.

"Hello, Arman, Aaravos, Lamarin, and other Pures. I am sorry about the, unfortunate, nature of your waking, but I felt it necessary to talk to you."

Aaravos looks on, and yells many spells to remove the demon, but none worked. All the spells did was tire him out. Finally, Aaravos, tired from the casting, finally gives up and just leans against the doorway.

"What do you want from us demon? We have not attacked you for a century now. Why do you provoke us?"

"Aaravos, we both know the reason. We both know the Great Prophecy. 'In the folds of Dolina sjena, where the cries of the dead can be heard, the powers of darkness and light converge. The fight of ages, the Seven rise. The forces of Onaj Koji Hrani and Mrak Stolas shall give their final surge. The Seven shall give the call, and the darkness to rise or fall.'

"I know the prophecy! I have pondered it long and hard!" Aaravos screams, as if it was personal. The look on his face shows not only anger, but agony.

"My family has payed the price for this stupid prophecy! Leave us. NOW."

Mrak Stolas merely chortles in response. "And how shall you make me, fool elf? You have no way to force me from this room."

Aaravos merely smiles, though it looks more like a grimace.

"There are always way's, old friend. Now, Mrak Stolas, napusti ovo mjesto! Protjeran si, nikad se više nećeš vratiti. Zazivam ime Onoga koji Hrani!"

With that, the form of Mrak Stolas folds on itself, and he disappears from the room, as do the fires.

Then Aaravos coughs, blood splattering the floor of the doorway, and he collapses, like a building with all the supports removed.

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