Episode 3: Caught in the Act

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The day has arrived. After a long weekend, filled with answering the same questions on repeat, it's finally race day. I touch up my lipstick before exiting the car and heading into the paddock. I almost enjoy Sundays at the paddock because it feels similar to walking a runway. With Formula 1 constantly inviting out different high-class members of society, people are always here dressed to impress. I have fun with my outfit, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself, but still having fun expressing myself and getting dressed up.

I decide to stop by the McLaren garage to see Evie before heading over to Mercedes, where I will ultimately spend the race. Crowds of Papaya surround me as I make my way through. Evie is nowhere in sight, so I automatically assume she is enjoying some quiet time with Charles in his driver's room. Disgusting. I guess my face displayed my distaste for my best friend's actions because the sound of someone calling me out on it instantly reminds me to drop the look and smile. "I can't say I've ever seen someone to look that tortured in the papaya garage." It's Zak. He makes his way over to me and embraces me in a tight hug. "Long time no see little miss Sophie." Gosh, why does everyone insist on reminding me of my absence from these things? I get it, I suck. No need for the reminder. "Sorry, I was just looking to see if Evie was in here." Andrea walks over to join us at the mention of his daughter's name. "She told me she was going to meet you at the entrance. Did you pass each other?" I sigh, internally cursing Evie for not informing me that she was using me as her lie. "We might have. I kind of rushed in, just tired of being stopped for questions." Andrea gives me a nod before returning to his pre-race duties. "It's good to see you again Kiddo, tell your dad I say hello."

After parting ways with Zak, I rush my way over to Ferrari. I do my best to keep my head down. I wasn't lying to Andrea when I said I had no desire to continue asking questions. Evie left extra early this morning, she has a tradition of eating breakfast with her mom on Sunday mornings. It's the only morning that Andrea is absent from Michela, and Evie can not bear the thought of her mother enduring her first meal of the day alone. It warms my heart how close their family is. Sometimes the warmth pulls a pinch of envy to the surface with it. I can't even tell you the last time I spoke to my mom. Who knows what country she's in at this point? All I know is that Elena Bruno maintains a busy schedule to hide from her real-world problems. Not the best treats to notice about your mother, but those are the cards that life has dealt me.

Noticing that I'm almost to the bright red motor home, I put my head down and pick up my pace. With Ferrari being one of the most popular teams, there is always some sort of media going on outside their motor home. I instantly regret my decision to look at my feet while walking when I feel myself slam directly into someone. The person instinctively grabs onto my arms as I slam into their chest. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." When I look up, I'm met with the softest blue eyes and the cheekiest smile. "No problem at all, I should also watch where I'm going." My cheeks start to heat up. I don't know if it's from the embarrassment of running into him or if it's the sound of his low voice and thick Dutch accent. Oh my fucking gosh, I just ran directly into Max Verstappen. THE Max Verstappen. The blush is definitely from embarrassment now. No doubt about that. My eyes instantly fall to the ground again, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"I'm so sorry. That's completely my fault. I should be looking where I'm going. My grandparents always told me I was clumsy." I give him a shy smile as he beams at me. Is he finding my nervousness attractive? Ugh, Ick number 1! "Ah don't worry about it, it's fine. I've had more weight than just you piled on top of me." He chuckles at his joke. A warm feeling rushes to my cheeks. Oh hell no Sophia, you are not blushing from this man's laugh. "Are you looking for someone? It seemed like you were in a rush." So much for trying to go unnoticed. "Yeah, I'm meeting a friend in the Ferrari Motorhome. I was rushing to avoid the plaguing questions from the reporters." He nods in agreement. "I know that feeling very well. What friend are you meeting? Is it one of the drivers?" I can't lie, I'm slightly thrown off by the fact that he is choosing to continue to engage in a conversation with me, but it is quite nice considering he doesn't seem to recognize me or know who I am. "No, well, Kind of but not really. My friend Evie is in there with Charles and I'm just meeting with them." A look of surprise flashes across his face. I don't know why but it stings my ego a bit. This man truly has no idea who I am. "Oh! You know Evangeline and Charles? That's interesting. I don't think I've seen you around before. Remind me, what's your name?" I smile at him, more in a condescending way rather than a friendly one. "Sophia. Sophia Wolff." I stick my hand out in front of him, offering a passive-aggressive handshake. "Holy shit. Wolff as in Toto Wolff? I knew he had a daughter but.." He returns my handshake with wide eyes. I don't know where his mind was going with that sentence, but I don't push for it. "Well It's nice to meet you, Sophia, hopefully I see you around."

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