☆ Chapter 7. Improving the life of the poor little one...

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Chapter 7: Improving the Life of the Poor Little One. . .

Cheng Qingzhi clenched his teeth and bit his lower lip, his watery eyes timidly glanced at her and said, "I'm afraid you will believe Liu Su's words like before and drag me to the ancestral hall. . ."

Cheng Qingzhi didn't say the rest of his words, and Cheng Songer finally understood the reason why Cheng Qingzhi had been enduring silently.

If resistance doesn't lead to fair treatment, it's better not to say anything and let him suffer even more vicious beatings.

Cheng Songer held his hand, her gaze sincere, "Brother, don't worry, I will never do such foolish things again. If that Liu Su or anyone else continues to trouble you, you can scold them back, fight back."

Cheng Qingzhi's icy-cold hand was held by her, the scorching palm making his fingertips throb.

He whispered, "But only a reckless person would do such things."

"So what if they're reckless? Should we endure being bullied? Don't be afraid, I'll support you."

Cheng Qingzhi's watery eyes flickered.

. . . So this is what it feels like to have someone supporting you.

He murmured softly.

After a farce, Cheng Songer continued to take him to find the nest of the wild geese.

It was dark and slippery, Cheng Songer tightly held his wrist as he watched her from behind, feeling the warmth radiating from his wrist.

In the past, Liu Su often teamed up with others to bully him. He hated it, but deep down, he envied it.

No matter how many bad things Liu Su did, his family always protected and indulged him.

Unlike him, even before his biological father ran away with that adulterous woman, he treated him worse than a stranger.

No matter how lively the big family was, he was always alone.

Now, he finally experienced what it feels like to be cared for by someone.

And that person, Cheng Songer, was something he had never expected.

"Found it, found it!" Cheng Songer exclaimed in excitement, suppressing her voice.

In the dark reed marsh, a faint nest could be seen, where two lonely geese huddled together.

Cheng Songer spread out a large net and cast it towards them. The geese were startled and tried to fly away, but it was too late. The net quickly tightened, trapping them securely.

Cheng Songer hurriedly approached and caught their wings, tying their feet with a prepared rope. Taking this opportunity, Cheng Songer examined the geese and found that they were a male and a female.

With joy, she held onto the geese and buried a fish net she had prepared earlier at the opening of the river: "I'm going to Liu Family Village tomorrow morning. If you have time, come here and maybe we can catch a few small fish."

Cheng Qingzhi watched Cheng Songer's agile figure and nodded.

After the whole operation, Cheng Songer's pants were wet, and the cold wind made her shiver.

Cheng Qingzhi was no better off. The water from the reeds had soaked his pants, and his already weak body was invaded by the cold, leaving his face pale without a trace of color.

His body was already weak. . . Cheng Songer stuffed the geese into his arms and squatted in front of him, saying, "Get on."

The wings of the geese flapped in Cheng Qingzhi's arms, causing his slightly messy hair to flutter.

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