Chapter 12

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✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨My Boyfriend's Brother

"So there's this guy and before you get mad let me explain" I told him

He huffed and sat further from me and that hurted me in a way because I never liked rejection I always wanted to feel loved.

I told Matt about Chris and everything that has been going on and what he told me.

He instantly felt guilty. "Sky I'm so sorry but we are going to do something about this bastard" he said with clenched fist.

"Matt please don't do anything he is really dangerous " I was basically begging him.

"I don't give a fuck, we both bleed the same and I'm not scared and he thinks he can do what ever he wants" Matt said and punched the wall making a hole.

I gave him a hug and he started telling me everything's going to be ok.

My phone started ringing breaking away the hug. I seen a number I didn't recognize and immediately felt terrified.

I showed Matt and I told him to be quiet. I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hello" I said
"Hey baby I've missed you" Chris said

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"Stay the fuck away from her you dirty bastard or you will have problems with me" Matt yelled onto the phone.

My eyes widened and I got scared because I didn't want anything to happen to Matt.

Then we heard laughing. Chris was laughing as if he found this really funny. "Little boy please don't put yourself in harms way it can get very ugly" Chris said and hung up.

"Why would you do that Matt I know you're trying to protect me but please this man -----"

"Yeah yeah I know he's dangerous sky you already told me and how I already told you that don't care".

After a couple hours I went back home.

I seen Julian on my bed and when he seemed me he crossed his arms.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me , if I would have known I would have killed him that day , how can you just not tell me and the only reason I know is because I over heard you , was you even planning on telling me or was it between just you and Matt because well you know he is your boyfriend" he screamed angrily.

I didn't know what to say.

"You know what I'm out of here" Julian said putting his shoes on.

"Julian please just stop" I cried
"It's all to much for me I can't do this , what we have going on it is wrong and you know it" I said

With that he left.

I know I'm doing what's right but it felt so wrong.

I laid on my bed crying myself to sleep.

The next day Chris has been calling my phone and I wasn't answering I didn't care anymore all I had was tears streaming down my face still.

I'm such a disappointment and I make people feel hurt what's the point anymore of anything.

Sure I know Matt and my aunt and maybe Julian might be worried but I know it's just best if I weren't a bother in anyone's life.

When Chris called again I picked up the phone.

"Hello" I said
"Baby what happened why are you crying" Chris said and I just wanted to cry even more , I don't like when he calls me baby but I just went along with it .

I had a plan and yeah I know it's stupid but he will put everyone in my life in danger.

"I'm just so sad that's all" I told him
"I'm coming over and I will make you feel much better" when he said that I hung up the phone I didn't care anymore .

When Chris came he gave me a kiss and I kissed him back. I want him to stay away from everyone.

"Chris if I stay with you please promise you won't hurt anyone or put them in any type of danger"

"Anything for you princess" he smiled

I sighed and we left out the door, I didn't even bring anything with me.

I went into the car and he drove off and the entire time I stared out the window.







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