Chapter 3

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It was the next morning, and Figi couldn't figure out why her dad had been so worked up. What kind of sickness did Red have?
"Come on Figi! Let's play!"
"NO!" She meowed angrily. Jay looked at her with hurt eyes. She turned, walking away. Ugh, be nice Figi! Now she was being rude, and she hated that. I better calm down, or I will hurt some other cats feelings! She padded over to the Prey-pile, pulling out a mouse.
"Jay! Would you Like to share this with me?" She called.
"Sorry, but I'm sharing with Simba now."
" oh, OK ." Figi mewed sadly. She padded over to a spot of grass, and sat down, eating by herself.

When Figi gulped down the last few morsels of the sweet mouse, she decided, it was time to check on Red. She padded around the Dumpster. Peeking out to make sure it was safe from any Upwalkers. Then she darted across the clearing to her home, behind the other trashcans and dumpster. As she turned the corner, she spotted a pitiful, red, ball of fur. Red!
Figi ran over to her side, looking for any sign of breathing. Just as she started panicking, her eyes caught a small breath. Then we noticed the quick shallow breaths, and the gentle rise and fall of her sides. Relief washed over Figi. She buried her muzzle into Reds fur, and silently wished her luck. As she lifted her head she saw a tail sticking out from behind a trashcan. She curiously, and cautiously padded over peeking around the can, she was horrified at what she saw. Her father was cold and limp. She couldn't detect any heartbeat. She tried to stifle a wail of sadness, but couldn't.
"Why......why you? You were our only hope to get rid of the sickness! Now, caught it. We...we.....we are all going to die!" She sobbed. She didn't care if this sickness was deadly, she don't care if it was contagious. She just buried her muzzle in his fur, falling asleep

A ball of light shot across the sky, landing in the Forest some where far away. Then another, but the second one landed in an Upwalker place only a little far away from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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