vi. cornelius

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When dusk came, the general's head had already begun to nod with fatigue. He and his soldiers always slept a shichen after sundown and woke up a shichen before the sun to get as much training in as they could — and for some reason, all the lack of sleep seemed to be catching up on him only now.

Perhaps it was the silence. No sounds but footsteps, leaves rustling, not even a bird chirping. It was as if everything had fallen asleep, except for them and the wind.

They continued for a few more minutes until they reached a small clearing between the bamboo. Cornelius slid off of his horse, rubbed his eyes, and stepped in front of the platoon and spoke as quietly but firmly as he could. "We'll rest here tonight," he said, biting his lip to hold back a yawn. "I'll stay up and keep watch — we'll take shifts, two on watch at a time. Huaqing, you look the least tired, so you're staying up."

Huaqing, who seemed startled by the attention, quickly saluted. "Yes, sir."

The soldiers fanned out once they were dismissed and walked around to choose places to sleep. Cornelius headed over to the back of the carriage and knocked, opened the door when the emperor said he could, and bowed. "We're just about to retire for the night, Your Majesty, Your Highness. Is there anything you need?"

"No, I do not believe so. Thank you, General Nguyen. Please get some rest, you've done so much for us," the emperor said. Heiyaoshi nodded and glanced at Cornelius. Yùtù was asleep in his arms, and looked more like a ball of fluff than a rabbit.

"U-Um — there is something I wish to speak to you about. I-In private, I mean," he whispered. The emperor nodded in approval and waved him off.

Cornelius instructed Huaqing to stay near the carriage and keep watch, while the general and the prince headed over to the other side of the clearing, still in eyesight but out of earshot. "What is it you need, Your Highness?"

Heiyaoshi sighed and gently petted Yùtù. "You don't have to be so formal around me, General Nguyen."

"But you're still calling me General."

Another one of Heiyaoshi's perfect little smiles slipped out and he lowered his head to hide it. His voice was softer than usual, and his eyes were laced with a slight pink that wasn't from his eyeliner. Cornelius' heart sank — the prince was probably terrified. "Um — the reason why I asked to speak to you — Cornelius. . . I. . . If anything happens on this trip, then — well — I-I just wanted to tell you that those three days we spent together — I don't remember ever being happier. Th-Thank you."

A breeze whistled, seemingly teasing as Cornelius' heart pounded against his chest like a drum. He coughed and laughed nervously. "You're welcome, Your Highness. I. . . I was really happy, too."

Heiyaoshi smiled again. "Good night, Cornelius."

His heart fluttered again. Heiyaoshi glanced up and the moonlight landed gently on the hairpin in the prince's hair, the same one he bought on one of their outings. "Good night, Your Highness."

Cornelius didn't say another word, but his heart was screaming as Heiyaoshi turned and climbed back into the carriage.

─── ᯽ ───

Cornelius sat next to the carriage and thought for hours, and somehow he didn't feel tired anymore. As the night grew older, the general grew more restless, and so did Huaqing, who still seemed wide awake.

Huaqing was rather famous, but not for reasons most would wish; he was prone to sleepwalking and telling the strangest, spine-chilling stories during his episodes, he could speak multiple languages, and had an incredibly confusing taste in food.

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