Life of Lilly Sharma🦋

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Lilly Pov: Hi!

I am Lilly Sharma the great queen Lilly Sharma. The queen of troubles. I don't know why all the shity problems are behind me. Wherever and whenever I go they all always follows me. They are the only one after my brother to support me in all the situations...

Author: Us Lilly us 😅

Well today is the new beginning of life means first day of my university.Before going to college let's discuss about my not so bad life...

Me and my brother living in city while my parents lives in village they send me with my brother to take care of him and to make food for him(well naukar hu na Mai!)...

They pay school fees and all necessity to my  brother. When I came here I was only 14 years old and they send me to take care of my lil innocent brother. They admitted me in a local school where fee is very low and quality is... Well you all already know.But I can't hate them for doing all this to me infact I am always thankful for them to send me away from their house where my so called aunt and neighbours were always ready to made me understand how girls should talk,eat,sit blah blah blah...

Ah so tired talking about them they just know how to get on my nerves...

You all must be thinking why I am so frustrated talking like this about them let me tell you a short glimpse of their not so good comments on me....

8 years ago.....

I was playing with my toys and my parents were at home because this is weekend. It's a joint family so all the family members were present there only. All of them sit to drink tea and some of my cousins and some neighbours were also present there...

Suddenly my aunt called me sweetly.

Aunt: Lilly dear come here let's enjoy together look all your cousins are also here.

I was so small to understand the trap and then the fish got caught I mean yeah I went towards them and sit on my  father's lap.

My aunt has a daughter named nitara. I admit that she was so beautiful back then and was 18 years old. My aunt started to compare me with her that how beautiful she is like seriously how could she I was only 10 that time and don't understand about the beauty standards they were talking about.

Aunt:Look Lilly you are big girl now and you have to behave according to your age.and here you are sitting on your father's lap.

Lilly:But aunty why can't I sit on my own father's lap?

Aunt: Lilly look at your sister nitara how politely she sits like decent girl.

Lilly:But nini di is older than me and why would I sit like doll who sit like a chair in one place.

Well thanks to my sharp tongue I got into the war against my own family..
My aunt got her ego hurt and she'll not leave me for this mistake. And there she starts yelling...

Aunt:look at her sharp tongue sister in law how dare she called my daughter a doll and chair. How could she talk like that only at the age of 10.

Lilly:(standing from my father's lap) But you yourself told me that I am big girl now. So,I behaved like one.

Aunt:You! See brother in law if you don't stop spoiling this brat. Who is going to marry her? What will happen to her in future?

Lilly:what is marriage aunty? I don't know about that? But for my  future I'll be an business women like those men women in tv... ( I said dreamily and from my side eye can saw that my mother was glaring at me)

Aunt : shut up you brat. Stop dreaming don't you know earning money is not the work women should do and all the household work made for womens.look I am telling you you're not as beautiful as nitara that you will get someone rich to Marry. Infact a normal farmer will not willingly ready to marry you. Look at yourself such a ugly girl you're, dusky colour,not so soft looking. Who'll marry you? Huhh
See you are my family that's why I am telling you to learn household work so that man from famer family will marry you looking at quality. ok dear(fake sweetness)...

I don't understand completely what she was saying but atleast i know that she doesn't say something pleasant. The moment she called me ugly I was shocked and that ugly word affected me so deeply. What could you accept from a 10 years old lil girl.

When I was about to say mother slapped me hardly and Dragged me from there.

That day she taught me how ugly I am and why should I Learn household works. After that she locked me in room.
Well I don't blame her she was frustrated because of the taunt she got on daily basis cause of my not so common thinking and behaviour as them.

From that day my training session for making an ideal girl who'll listen to them without questioning started(but did I give up on my dreams
Well hell no)

They all wanted to cage the girls but I wanted to fly like an eagle 🦅.

Anyways this is only short glimpse of my pathetic life


Ok enough of those memories. Let's start a new and next step of my Manzil (goal).
And I'll tell you later how end up here.....

Author note

I know this chapter is boring but I'll try to make it interesting further as it was intro chapter🦋

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Thanks lovelies ❤️

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