Chapter 7 : The invitation

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The chime of the bell above the bakery door pulled my attention away from the customer I was helping. When I looked up, my heart skipped a beat. There he was Ethan, in all his unsettling glory. He cut an imposing figure in a perfectly all black outfit, his presence dominating the cozy warmth of the bakery. Every time he walked through that door, it felt like the room lost some of its light.

He approached the counter, his gaze locked onto mine, and again for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. "Just a coffee today,ˮ he said, his voice smooth as velvet.

"Coming right up,ˮ I managed to reply, my hands trembling slightly as I prepared his usual order.

There was something about the way he watched me, something that made my pulse quicken and my mind race with thoughts I didnʼt dare entertain. As I handed him the cup, our fingers again brushed. I looked up, expecting to see that cold, calculated expression he always wore, but instead, I found him studying me with an intensity that made my heart pound.

"Lily,ˮ he said, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "Thereʼs a tech conference tonight. I want you to come with me.ˮ

The words hung in the air between us, shocking me into silence. "What?ˮ I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You heard me,ˮ he said, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Iʼll pick you up at eight. Be ready.ˮ

"I I canʼt,ˮ I stammered, trying to fight the rising heat in my cheeks. "I have work, and Iʼm not ˮ

"You can,ˮ he interrupted, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And you will. This isnʼt a request, Lily.ˮ

My mind spun with a thousand reasons to say no, to push him away, to deny the undeniable tension that had been simmering between us for weeks. But all I could think about was the way he was looking at me, the way his voice sent shivers down my spine, the way my heart ached with the need to know more about him about the darkness I sensed lurking beneath the surface.

I opened my mouth to refuse again, but the words wouldnʼt come. Instead, I found myself nodding, my voice betraying me as I whispered, "Okay. Eight. Here is my address and my numberˮ

"Good,ˮ he said, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "And wear something... special.ˮ

With that, he turned and left, leaving me standing behind the counter, my heart racing, my thoughts in disarray. I didnʼt know what had just happened, only that my life felt like it was about to change in ways I couldnʼt yet comprehend. And I wasnʼt sure whether to be terrified or exhilarated by the prospect.

With me loosing track of time, I find myself in front of my mirror, staring at my reflection. The black dress Iʼd chosen hugged my body in all the right places, the fabric clinging to my curves, the neckline dipping just low enough to be provocative. I knew I looked good and and I knew that Ethan would notice. The thought sent a thrill through me that I couldnʼt quite suppress.

My phone buzzed. A message from Ethan:
"Iʼm outside.ˮ

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my coat and bag, heading out the door before I could second guess myself. When I stepped outside, I spotted his sleek black car idling at the curb, the headlights cutting through the early evening gloom. He was standing by the passenger door, waiting for me.

As I approached, his eyes swept over me, lingering on the curve of my hips, the line of my legs. He said nothing, but the way his gaze darkened told me everything I needed to know.

"Shall we?ˮ he said, his voice smooth and controlled as he opened the door for me.

I slid into the car, feeling the leather seat cool against my bare skin. The door closed with a soft click, and a moment later, Ethan was beside me, the scent of his cologne filling the space between us spicy, masculine, intoxicating. I could feel the tension crackling in the air, thick and heavy, and it took all my willpower not to turn and look at him.

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