Sailing trip gone wrong

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It was a warm summer evening, Me and my friends were on a boat which was owned by one of their parents. We were chilling and drinking some alcohol, we later blacked out, and when we woke up we had ended up in the middle of the ocean with no land to be seen for miles..I was the first to wake up and when i noticed this i decided to wake my other friends up, We tried to figure out where we were but none of us were that good at geography. So we decided to sail in a straight line until we saw land. We had enough food to last us at least 4 days, water was pretty sparse though. After 3 days of sailing we had run out of water and were left with the only option of drinking salt water. It wasn't very tasty but at least it satisfies our thirst a bit. Another 3 days passed and we were all out of food and things were looking bad..but on week 1 we started seeing land. We were overjoyed! A few hours later we arrived at the land and stepped foot onto the sand, it felt weird to touch the sand..since we had been on a boat for a week. We looked around the island a bit but didn't find much, it seems to be inhibited..But one of our friends had taken a survival class so we could at least make use of the things the island did have. The island had long beaches surrounding every inch of where the water and land touched, It seemed to be a tropical island as it had palm trees and it was extremely warm to the point of almost getting a heatstroke, But there was one positive thing about that, most things grow in warmer environments at least that's what my friend had told me. I was tasked with looking around the island more clearly but for some reason while I was doing that I had the weird vibe that we shouldn't be there. While searching through the island i found a strange sinkhole or something..As i was getting closer to it my body was telling me to run away but of course i didn't listen and decided to go closer, as i got to the hole i stood there so confused, i couldn't even see the bottom at some point the sun stopped reaching it and all that was left was pitch how the ocean was explained when the sun stops reaching the this point my head was throbbing and i decided to go back to camp, Well i wouldn't call it a camp it was more like a blanket under a few trees, But it was better than nothing. When i returned i told my friends what i had seen but they didn't believe me but can you really blame them? The whole thing sounded so strange..How would it be impossible for the sun to reach the bottom of a hole? it made zero sense. but i didn't accept that they didn't believe me so i decided to bring them there the next day. It was turning dark and it would be dangerous to walk through the tight forest in pitch black. We all squeezed together to make sure all body heat wouldn't escape. I fell asleep rather quickly so i can't really tell if anything happened while i was sleeping but apparently something did happen. Cause when i woke up i saw all my friends sitting on the sand squat down, I asked them what they were doing and one of them moved aside so i could see...i didn't know how to react, the thing i saw broke all laws of nature and was unlike something i had ever seen..It looked like a crab? no a spider? it had claws like crab legs long like a spider..ofc i know there is a species that does look like that but..this thing had razor sharp a canine..I was studying to be a vet so i had to learn about a bunch of animals but this thing was nowhere to seen in any textbooks..Thankfully it was dead..One of my friends later told me how Ankaa had woken up to something moving around him, when he opened his eyes he saw that thing crawling around and instantly froze up. But he managed to gather some courage and began slamming his fist on this creature..but since it had the torso of a crab it didn't do much so he decided to grab one of its legs and rip it off leaving it immobilized. Later when everyone had woken up he showed everyone what he had done he seemed to feel strangely confident about it. After that crazy morning i decided to finally show my friends to the strange hole in the middle of the forest. As we were walking Melissa and Jennie started complaining about headaches but we ignored them since. I still regret doing that i will never forget what happened...Once we reached the sinkhole it was almost as if something began beating on Melissa and Jennies conscience, All of a sudden they both started walking closer to the sinkhole, Me, Ankaa, Elana and Jake were confused by their strange behavior and started question them but they ignored us well more like they couldn't hear us, As they kept getting closer to the hole i became worried and started whispering with the other. We all decided to grab their arms and pull them back since things were getting dangerous. But as Jake grabbed Melissa's hand something seemed to have affected him as he stood there completely still. Melissa looked back at him and seemed like she had regained her conscience, But what had affected her seemed to have transferred to jake instead, and in the matter of seconds Melissa screamed as she started falling down the sink hold..everyone looked at jack, He had his hands in front of him...we were all shocked as he looked back at us and just smiled? with this creepy unsettling smile. We couldn't do anything about it when both Jennie and Jake jumped into the sinkhole..we wanted to run to it and look down but we were all to scared and decided to retreat to the camp..the trip back was awkward and filled with sorrow and cries from Elana..She and Jake had been dating for almost 4 years now and now he was gone..right in front of her eyes and she couldn't even do anything. When we got back to camp we were all exhausted and decided to close our eyes for a few seconds but those seconds turned into minutes and then into hours..When we woke up it was morning..And Ankaa was missing we looked around but he was nowhere to be seen..after looking we became tired was almost as if this island was sucking all enegry out of us..we decided to go back to the sinkhole the next day and so we did..When we arrived it seemed to have gotten bigger..We were confused since we had heard anything, When we got closer the ground underneath us became unstable and we found ourselves rolling down the sinkhole very quickly when we reached the bottom we stood there in confusion..and amazement, There was some sort of village at the bottom of the sinkhole..It was quite big and there were weirdly looking humans walking around. Their backs were arched, their toes were separated, it seemed like these people never evolved to the same state as us..they were left in an older evolution, the men and females wore a single piece of fabric covering their under lives the rest was left in the open..i suppose this is what humanity was like before. all the females had long hair put up in weird ways..they obviously didn't do haircuts, The males Also had long hair and beards, They were also quite tanned which was quite weird..The sun did not reach down to the bottom..but it wa somehow still light inside the pit but it wasn't from the sunlight..If i had to guess that black thing at the bottom of the pit was only a disguise to hide this village. But how is this possible? Why has this place never been discovered? how haven't the modern humans found out about this island..There were no books on this place. But for some reason as we were getting closer to this village all feelings of sorrow, uneasiness and such things disappeared. It was as if all the clouds had cleared up leaving only a clear blue sky. It felt refreshing..It felt like this was home like this was were we belonged..Just seconds ago we had been desperate to leave this place and get back to modern civilization but not anymore..All of a sudden we wanted to grow old in this place and never step a foot away from this place..Like brainwashing? something had overtaken all of our personalities and everything that made us humans? All that they left was our sudden love for this place..the time seemed to pass by very quickly, minutes felt like seconds, hours felt like minutes and days felt like hours. Before we knew it weeks had passed and we had become a part of this village..we had no memories of the the outside all we knew was this place and that this was our home..Sure it was a really nice place, the people were nice the food was alright and their was plenty of water, But of course all good days must come to an end..And that they did, The village people began feeding me and Elana more and more, Like they were tryna fatten us up..Which it turned out to be true, But me and Elana was clueless of what was about to come. They led us into some sort of cave, Which never seemed to end. There were strange doodles on the walls, scratch marks and such things. As we reached the end of the cave we saw them..Our friends..Melissa, Jennie, Ankaa and Jake. Jake and Ankaa seemed to be in a trance just like that time on the cliff..Meanwhile Melissa and Jennie seemed to have gotten better, But don't get me wrong they were still a mess, All of them were covered in blood but it didn't quite look like human blood..Suddenly both me and Elana fell to the ground, I looked over at her reached my hand out to her and she grabbed it..But she began squeezing it very hard and her body started to move in weird ways..Similar to the girl in the movie Autopsy of jane doe. Her eyes turned white and mouth was foaming..Like an animal with rabies..all i could do was lay there looking at her in the same thing began happening to me as well. Later on we woke up together with everyone. Our memories seemed to have returned as well. When we looked around the cave it seemed to be quite wide but not very we had to crawl through the cave in the dark..Every few minutes someone would scream as they squished a spider or they went through some cobweb. As we kept crawling it seemed like this cave would never end..We began losing hope of escaping alive..After crawling for hours our knees and hands gave out and we had to take a break to sleep..Once we woke up Melissa seemed to be gone? we were confused but knew there wasn't much we could do about it so we just kept crawling..Next time we fell asleep Jennie disappeared..It seemed to maybe be a pattern, but we were way to tired and thirst to consider it, The next night i decided to stay awake up..What i saw that night will never leave me. It will forever be there, The image haunting me every night. A few hours passed and something started moving in the dark. The cave was cold and dark. Then another figure appeared..Whatever it was, Was slowly surrounding us..i faked being asleep but every once in a while i would open my eyes look..After a minutes of doing this. It seemed to be getting closer and closer every minute, Until it was by Jake's feet..They started to surround him. It was hard to see the features of the creatures. One of them seemed to open their mouths and once they did..The whole cave seemed to light up, Oh how I wish I would have just slept and not decided to be stubborn. The creature had teeth covering every surface inside their mouth..Like a shark, Its head was shaped like a wolf and it had fur, it stood on all fours..And it seemed that their front and back legs were very flexible, which made sense since they lived in a cave..After this horrific scene, i covered my mouth..and just stared as they dragged Jake of into the dark..The next morning or night when everyone woke up i urged them to just keep crawling and not stop..i didn't tell them what i saw..And i knew even tho my brain isn't functioning that well that Ankaa will be next..We kept crawling for as long as well could until we began losing conscience..we fell asleep, when we woke up Ankaa was gone just like expected..We kept crawling only sleeping for minutes..We kept crawling for what felt like hours..until Elana fell apart and fell asleep..i tried to wake her up she wouldn't i just accepted the fate which was coming..and fell asleep as well, but when i woke up she was still there! I was so happy I almost started crying..! I had never felt so happy and as we kept crawling we saw it..sunlight! it was slowly lighting up the cave! we squeezed out of the cave, it seemed like we had ended up on the other side of the island. As we looked around we saw a lake and ran over and began drinking the water..we were so happy that we made it out alive! our eyes were filling up with tears, we fell into a deep sleep, i don't know for how long it could have been hours or days, but when we woke up the sun was the highest in the sky..And we got up and found some berries which Melissa had told us were safe. We ate the berries and continued back to the boat. We stayed as far away as possible from the sink hole. As we walked to the boat we would collect berries, coconuts and such things so we could survive on the boat. Once we made it we didn't even hesitate we immediately started sailing away from the island..We sailed for days on days..Sleeping every once in a while. After a few days, a boat came by and we tried to attract its attention but it didn't work..but since we knew where the boat was coming from we could assume there would be land in that direction. So we sailed in the direction of where the boat came from. The boat seemed to be going towards the island but we couldn't care less. After a few days there it was! land..It was a harbor with lots of big boats, we didn't recognize this wasnt america..but we didn't care all we cared about was the fact we had reached safety! Once we reached the harbor we jumped off. People were staring at us weirdly but we didnt care. We walked until we got to a restaurant, While walking we looked around and everything..looked so different? We thought we were just in a place with more advanced technology. We walked into the restaurant and ordered as much as we could. Ofc we didn't have any money but we didn't care that it could be taken care of later. We ate and ate, and drank and drank until our mouths hurt from chewing and our stomachs felt like it was gonna explode. As the waitress approached us she asked. "cash or card?" but all we could say was that we had no money. The waitress seemed to get furious and began threatening to call the cops but we didnt care honestly. We wanted that, they could help us get back to our families! Half an hour later some cops arrived at the restaurant and began asking us questions, like where are you from? What are your names? Where do you live? how old are you and such things..We told them everything but as we told them our names they just laughed. One of the police officers then said. "Now I know why all your info seemed so familiar. Do you think we're dumb? The person you're impersonating has been missing for 7 years" As he said that my heart sank..How long had i been on that island..I was sure it had only been months at most..sure i could accept a year but 7 years? After finally convincing the officers their expressions turned serious and they brought us into the police station.

I clear my throat and drink some water the officers had brought me. "I told you guys this would be a long story" I say to the officers that are interrogating me. "Also where is Elana?" officers' gazes turned confused and one of them ask "What do you mean miss?" Then everything returned to me..that night which she had "survived" was only a dream..and i had been hallucinating from my lack of hydration..I was the sole survivor of this trip which was supposed to be all fun and dreams. I was announced mentally unstable and had to be in a mental institute..I lost 7 years of my life. And my friends' bodies were never discovered since they didn't believe my story..

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