Fighting pt. 1

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You had worked your butt off all day to clean the house, keep your daughter out of trouble, get her into bed, run earins, and get your work done. You were exhausted and the last thing you wanted to do was have a grumpy husband come home from work. Fighting with him was not something on your check list for today. But when you heard the door slam while Calum was on his way in, you knew things weren't just going to settle down the way you wanted it to.
Calum huffed up the stairs throwing his bag to the ground. You sat there laid out on the couch with the tv in front of you.
"What? No hi dear how was your day? Or hey I'm so glad your back! Y/N? Nothing? You gotta be fűcking kidding me." You snapped your head around sitting up to face Calum, a shocked expression on your face.
"Excuse me? But last time I checked you weren't the only one who worked all day. Where's my Hey babe, how was your day? I'm so glad to see you! I don't just sit here all day and everything magically cleans it self and your 3 year old daughter goes to bed and feeds herself Calum!" He clenched his fists. Rolling his eyes he yelled back.
"I don't give a shīt Y/N! For all I care the house doesn't look any different and y/d/n (your daughters name) is not part of this! She hasn't done anything she's 3 and innocent! She couldn't do that much damage! Look around everything's fine!" You were boiling, you couldn't believe what he was saying. Everything you do for him was a waste because he couldn't bother to notice.
"Calum Thomas Hood, the house doesn't look any different because I clean it all the time for you! But do you fricken notice? No! I do all this work for you and y/d/n so that you both can live in a nice environment! Speaking of which, I didn't say she did anything! Sure she's a handful but she hasn't committed any crimes! Everything's fine because I work my åss off at making it fine!"
"Y/N your over reacting! A drama queen as always! I can't fűcking stand it! Everything is always about you! It's always Y/N this and Y/N that!" You threw your hands up in the air in frustration.
"Nothing is about me Calum! Everything's always about you, you're the one who's fűcking famous for crying out loud! People love you because your famous and everyone always talks about you! I'm always in the background!"
"Here you go again, everything about Y/N! Why does everything have to be about you?!" You had it up to here with Calum. Everything he's done and said made your tolerance just fly away.
"I never said anything was about me! Why do you keep saying it is?!" He opened his mouth to yell back but was cut off by the door opening slowly. Making a creaking noise ever so faint. You turned to your daughter. "Yes sweetie, what do you need?" Calum rolled his eyes. You shrugged him off and payed full attention to your little girl.
"I wanted to see daddy.. Why aw you guys yewing?" You sighed and rubbed your forehead. Calum turned to y/d/n apologetic look in his eyes. You were angry with Calum but your daughter didn't need to see or know it. He came over to her.
"Sorry Punkin, I'll tuck you back in and read you a story okay?" She nodded. They both went into her room as you grabbed some water. You needed to calm down.
Calum walked back out and set his hands down on the counter across from you staring you down. "So, where were we?" You rolled your eyes.
"I don't want to keep fighting Calum. I'm going to bed." You started to walk away but he stopped in front of you. You looked up at him confused.
"You aren't going anywhere. What is it Y/N? Huh?" His cocky attitude only made you even more angry with him.
"Calum, just leave me alone." You tried to get by him but he pushed you against the wall.
"No, we aren't done."
"Calum! Enough! Let me go!" He gripped tightly on your wrists holding you back. You winced at how much it hurt. He had a stern look in his eyes, he wasn't going to give this up. Your faces were inches apart eyes focused on one another's.
"Y/N," he began. "Why are you mad?" You pulled your wrists away and pushed him off of you.
"Because Calum! You decided to come home pîssed from work and take it out on me! Just leave me the fűck alone!" He stood there motionless as you went down to the basement. You put on your shoes, grabbed your coat, and got in your car. You started the engine as Calum walked out.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He yelled. You stuck your head out the window.
"My mum's. Do not follow!" You yelled back.
"You can't just leave!" Calum came closer angry as hell.
"It's one night Calum! I'll be back!" He threw his hands up and went inside. You sat in the car for a bit thinking about what just happened, fiddling with your wedding ring. You stopped and put the car in reverse to back out of your drive way. You drove to your mom's and explained everything then stayed the night.
You woke up the next morning ready to go back home. This was the first time you and Calum fought so bad that you went to your mum's. And it was about something stupid.
You thanked your mum and got in your car. Your daughter loved Dunkin' Donuts so you decided to stop and get her some for breakfast. You pulled up to your house and walked in. But noticed that there wasn't a soul around. Where is everyone? You thought to yourself. You walked down stairs to see if anyone was down there. You heard crying. It sounded like your little girl so automatically your heart dropped and worry started clouding your head. You searched every inch of the basement until you found her in the heating closet. Immediately you picked her up and held her tightly. You were on the verge of tears yourself.
"What happened honey? Where's daddy?" She wiped some of her tears and said,
"I wote up and dere was nobody in de titchen so I went to doe find daddy and he was watching TV. And den he saw me and tol me to doe to bed. So I did and den I heard a big trash and I saw daddy on de floor! I tol him to wate up but he didn't! Den I started terying and hided down here!" You wiped back your own tear and cradled her close to your chest. She was so upset and terrified you couldn't believe Calum. Wait, Calum! Where the hell was he? You picked up y/d/n and carried her upstairs and then set her down on the couch. You looked around the living room but he wasn't there. You went to go check your girls room,but he wasn't there either. Then you checked your room and found him in your guys bathroom passed out. You tried to wake him up but he wasn't. You started to worry even more. Crying, you pulled out your cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. After 2 rings someone picked up. You told them your husband was laying in your bathroom and wouldn't wake up. They sent an ambulance and took him to it in a stretcher. They drove to the hospital and you put y/d/n in her car seat and took her with you in your car. You called your mum and told your daughter that gramma was coming to pick her up and take her out for ice cream. She cheered, Thank goodness. You both got to the hospital following the ambulance closely behind. You were worrying so bad thinking about the posibilities Calum could've done to himself. You didn't know what you were going to do without him. Your mom was already at the hospital as your daughter ran to her. She took her as she promised as you rushed into the hospital with Calum and the other paramedics. The nurse told you to wait outside while they did an x-ray to make sure he didn't break any bones. You couldn't stand the way things left off if he left you. You went to the waiting room and watched tv.
Finally the doctor came out and said "Mrs Hood?" You looked up from your phone and hoped to god that he was okay. "Ah, there you are. Yes, your husband is awake now if you'd like to see him. I assure you he's just fine." You thanked him and rushed into his room. You saw him laying there, a clamp on this finger attached to a machine, another tube in his arm attached to another machine.
"Calum" You sighed. He looked up at you and swallowed. Obviously trying to hold back from crying. "Y/N I'm so fűcking sorry. I cant believe what I said and I didn't mean any of it, I feel so bad and I love you so much." You ran to his side and sat in the chair crying. You put your head down on the bed as he ran his hand through your hair.
"Calum, you scared me so bad. I thought we lost you. I was worrying so bad. And y/d/n was crying and hiding in the heating room when I got home and found her. She was so scared and was crying. But she's with my mum right now so she doesn't. know what's going on. It was so scary calling the ambulance for you, you have no idea. I'm sorry Calum, I'm so so sorry." His hand stopped stroking your hair. You lifted your head to look up into his eyes. He wiped your cheek and ran a hand through his own hair.
"Y/N," he whispered. "Come here." You climbed onto the bed to lay beside him. He put his arm around you tugging you close to his side.
"Calum?" You asked looking up at him. "What did you do last night?" He gulped.
"Sleeping pills babe." You gasped and clung tightly to him. You didn't want to keep crying but you did and Calum just petted your hair. "I'm sorry Y/N." You shook your head.
"It's okay Calum. Just don't do it again, please?" He wiped his face and sniffled.
"I promise." You gave him a weak smile, and kissed him. After a while, you both fell asleep.


Need a tissue? Jesus, I was dying writing this. I hope Calum doesn't randomly find this and read it cuz that would be awkward. Like, reeeaaallll awkward.

So I had an idea where instead of him taking sleeping pills, he took your kid and left you. Buuuuuut, y'know... I wouldn't do that to you guys.. That was a really hard decision.

So my trip in Ontario has come to an end and I'm leaving today. We already left and I'm going through the states to get home. I'll be going through Wisconsin, Michigan, Minisota and North Dakota. Yeah, so if you have any ideas of where I should stop, lemme know!



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