Meggy, SMG3, Mario, Luigi, and Bob looks at the Monster Energy River.
Smg4: Ah, I see you've found my monster energy river™️
This whole factory is powered solely by its sweet caffeinated gamer goodness.
Bob: Holy crap!
Bob then zoomed foward and started to drink the tasty river.
Mario then proceed to blow Bob with his mind and forced Bob into the river.
Smg4: Excuse me, Little Boy, my monster energy river™️ mustn't be touched by mere mortals.
Bob: I'm fucking dying!
Smg4: He's ruined the whole batch.
Meggy: Don't just stand there, do something!
Smg3: Yeah, he is literally about to drown!
Smg4: Ok, um... Help, please, murder.
Meggy and Smg3: facepalms.
Mario: Here Bob, use this minecraft boat!
The boat just hit his head which contributed to him drowning as he got sucked into the river.
Luigi: Oh no! He's drowning! Dive in! Save him!
Smg4: Oh, it's too late.
Luigi: Too late?
Smg4: He's being zucced into the pipes.
Meggy: ergh.. Glad I didn't act like Bob did.
Smg4: Oh me, oh my.
Smg4 played the flute and called in Leggy.
Smg4: Leggy, please get our dear friend Bob unstuck.
Leggy agrees and called the Leggy gangs out.
Elise VA: Meggy, Leggy, loompa-da-dee, we are the slaves of this fac-tory. Meggy, Leggy leempa-dee-dass, This is gonna hurt, better pucker your ass.
They then made a explosion and somehow it made the tube force-filled with the Monster Energy liquid, along with Bob inside.
Meggy: Get cringed as all of this. Yeaaahh...
Mario: Dafuq.
Smg3: Welp, he's dead.
Smg4: onto the next room, my friends. There's so much more to see!
Smg4 and the Meme factory but MxM
Hayran KurguMario and his friends got golden tickets to the meme factory! What awaits inside? read the book to find out! also, there are 234 Leggys in there.