Twenty Nine

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I got home and the house was silent and dark. I wanted to spend more time with Melanie for her birthday but I had business to attend in Europe. Expanding is all I'm worried about.

The first place I stopped was he bed room. Perhaps she's asleep. It is pretty late. I knocked loud enough. Once, twice, three times before I opened the door and poked my head inside.

Empty. I could smell a lingering smell of perfume and hair spray. The bathroom light was also left on and I could see her clothes scattered on the floors. And to think she's supposed to clean up after herself.

I shook my head and closed the door. She's probably out with Reina. It is her birthday after all. They're friends and friends fight, however Reina is a problem when it comes to partying. And if they are out, I'll need Oliver to keep an eye on them.

Melanie isn't supposed to be out either way after what happened. I went to my room and stripped out of my clothes, showered, changed and sauntered my way to my office, phoning Joel.

He answered on the second ring. "Frankie!" He exclaims. "Finally back?"

"Yeah," I opened my office door and went in. The smell of Tequila made me squinch. I gazed around my office and spotted Oliver at my desk. His head is down and there's a half drunken bottle next to him.

I sighed. "What's the matter?" Joel asks.

"It's Oliver again."

"Oh. W-what is it this time?"

"He's drunk. He's been on about this person he's surprisingly in love with."


"Yeah, I know right? Whoever it is though, I'll kill him."

"W-why kill?"

"Because he's hurting my boy." I touched Oliver's shoulder and shook. "Oli, wake up." He didn't budge. "Oliver come on." He groaned. I exhaled. "I need to find out who this person is. He's never been this upset about anyone before."


I noticed how short his responses got. "What's with your change in mood?"

"Nothing, called. Surely it's for something?"

"Right, Reina and Melanie went out I'm sure. See where they are and keep an eye out. Also, Samuel Dean is your task as well. I need to know where he lives, who he lives with, what he's doing."

"Samuel Dean. Name sounds familiar."

"Face looks familiar too. I checked his Facebook." He laughed at me.

"You have a Facebook?"

"Just shut up and do your job." I hung up on Joel and pocket my phone. I tried with Oliver again. "Bud, wake up."

"Dad?" He croaks.

*Yeah bud, it's me. Come on, let me take you to your room." I helped him out of the chair and he sobbed a dry cry.

"No." He protests. "No...lemme stay. Please." Sobs. "Please dad." I took us to the couch and rested him down as he still cried. I brushed his hair back, my mind still wondering about who this guy is he could be so sullen over.

"Come, come on." I helped him up and he staggered around as I lead him over to the couch. I fixed the pillow and set him down. Oliver sniffled and hugged the blanket when I covered him up.

"What happened? Hm?" Oliver just sniffled trying to stop himself from crying. I'll kill this guy, whoever it is. "Tell me, Oli."

"Just leave it, dad." He begs quietly. "Please." Only because he asked I will. For now at least. I just don't like seeing him like this.

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