Seeing through emotions

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Info:Tim and Lucy are together Lucys having an off day Tim is patient with her and helps her
Tim walks into the station to see her tearing into Smitty
Grey:Tim my office please
Tim:yes sir
He walks into Greys office
Grey:ok i need your help
Tim:let me guess little miss angry out there
Grey:thats the third person she has torn into she made Aaron cry
Tim:ok how can i help
Grey:I don't know your her boyfriend
Tim:yeah and i would like to keep it that way
Grey:just do something
Tim:alright fine
He walks out to see Smitty still being yelled at
Tim:ok alright Smitty walk away
Smitty walks away and he turns to Lucy
Tim:do we need to go talk Lucy
Lucy:no i just need people to not be idiots
Tim:ok woah whats up with you today
Lucy:nothing i gotta get to work
She storms off and Tim laughs watching her stomp away
Tim:yeah just keep them in line and ill try to keep her from yelling at people
They both walk in separate directions Tim got off work first that night he's in Lucys kitchen cooking dinner for them when she walks in
Tim:hey dinners ready
She walks up behind him and hugs him from behind he spins so he's facing her
Tim:someones tired
Lucy:mm don't feel good
Tim:oh is that why you have been on your little terror reign today
Tim lifts his hand and places it on her head
Tim:your warm babe
Tim:ok lets get you a nice shower and into bed
Lucy:what about dinner
Tim:ill put this up for lunch tomorrow and make you some soup for tonight ok
Tim:go take you a cold shower and ill make you soup
She goes and showers and he sets up her nightstand for her with tissues water gateraid and medicine and makes her soup she comes out of the shower and changes into pj's he come from behind and grabs her hair brush and starts brushing her hair for her and puts it in a braid
Lucy:where did you learn to braid
Tim:i have a sister
Lucy:good point
Tim:alright come on soups ready
He takes her to the kitchen and she eats her soup
She finishes it
Tim:come on baby lets get you to bed for some rest
They walk into the bedroom and he helps her get in and pulls the blankets over her
Lucy:thank you
Tim:your welcome my Love get some rest ok
Lucy:are you not coming to bed with me
Tim:soon i have to clean up the kitchen and take Kojo out first
Tim:ok go to sleep baby
He turns the light out and goes out of the room he cleans takes Kojo on a walk and then prepares stuff for the next morning then he finally goes to bed
The next morning he wakes up first and goes to cook breakfast
Tim:hey good morning how you feeling
Lucy:alot better
Tim:come here
She went to his side and he felt her for a fever like the previous night
Tim:you feel alot cooler
Lucy:i feel better
Tim:maybe you needed some rest you have been pushing yourself really hard since the exam
Lucy:i know i just feel like i have to prove my self all over again
Tim:i get it i do but you need to take care of yourself too baby
Lucy:i know
Tim pulls her into a hug
Tim:your gonna be a detective one day Luce i believe in you
Lucy:yeah but i need more people then just you to believe in me and i don't have that right now
Tim:yeah you do you just can't see past all your emotions right now
Lucy:im sorry about my mood yesterday
Tim:forgiven but you may want to apologize to Aaron you made the poor guy cry
Tim:come on lets eat and get to work

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