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Tim and Lucy are married but its no secret to them or their friends that their marriage is not in a good place they both feel like the other is prioritizing work over the other and they disagree on everything Tim just figured it was a rough patch all couples hit one so he didn't expect for Lucy to end it completely
Tim walks into work and walks over to Angela Nyla and Grey
Tim noticed all of them were giving him an uncomfortable look
Tim:whats wrong
Grey:lets go to my office Tim
They go to Greys office and Tim stands across from him
Tim:something wrong sarg
Grey:look i didn't want to be the one to give this to you but unfortunately i was the one selected
Grey hands him an orange envelope
Tim:whats this
Grey:open it
Tim knows its nothing good by the way Greys looking at him
He opens it and pulls the paper up he reads the top  DOCUMENTS Of DIVORCE
Grey:im so sorry Tim
Tim can't take his eyes off the paper he is in shock he doesn't even realize Grey leaves the room and Angela comes in
Angela:let me take you home
Tim:no im good
Angela:no your not
Tim:please ang i... i can't go back home not when i know she will be gone
Angela sits next to him
A:wanna talk about it
Tim:why wouldn't she talk to me why do it this way why not try to work things out
A:i don't know
Tim:i knew we were in a bad place in our marriage but i just figured it was a rough patch everyone gets them
Angela:im sorry
Tim:yeah me too
He gets up
Tim:tell Grey im taking some personal time i have to get out of here for a bit
Tim gets up and walks out of the station he goes to the truck and the first thing he does is try to call Lucy she of course doesn't answer and sends it to voicemail
Tim:its me Lucy we need to talk about this please call me back
He sits there for a bit he doesn't know what to do or where to go he eventually just starts driving around he doesn't realize it but he spaces out and ends up hitting another car at the stop light
Tim:damn it
He gets out to check on the other driver
Tim:mam you ok
W:yeah im ok
Tim:im so sorry
W:its ok its just a car right
Tim:yeah i guess so ill go call it in
Tim goes back to the truck and grabs his phone he calls it in and the first two to show up are Angela and Grey
Grey:im gonna go check on her you make sure he's ok
A:yes sir
She runs over to Tim
A:hey you ok
Tim:im fine
A:what happened
Tim:i shouldn't of been driving i spaced out its my fault
Grey walks up
G:you ok son
Tim:physically im fine emotionally and mentally not so much
Grey:i know
Grey:alright you got your drivers license and insurance
Tim:yeah he reaches into the truck and grabs the papers
Grey:ok you know the works sit tight alright
He takes a seat in his truck he sits side ways so he's facing out the door
Meanwhile Angelas with the woman from the other car
W:do yall know him
A:yeah he's a colleague and a good friend
W:is he ok he seems like something is wrong
A:he's going through some stuff right now
W:sorry to hear i hope he gets better
A:thanks ill make sure to tell him ok i got all your information so just sit tight ok
Angela takes all the paperwork to Grey and he takes it
A:im gonna go talk to Tim
G:yeah thats fine
She walks up to him sitting in his truck
A:i have been thinking maybe you should come stay with me and Wesley for a night or two
Tim:no its fine
Angela:Tim im worried about you
Tim:im ok
Angela:are you
Tim:ang please i promise
Tim:so assuming Lucy hasn't snagged him can i get Wesleys help
Angela:ill talk to him
Tim:thanks ang
They clear up the scene both cars only has minor damage so they were both drivable still
Tim drives home deciding he shouldn't be behind the wheel
He goes to the kitchen grabs a beer then goes to the living room and starts looking through the papers and hour later he's downed  5 more beers and past out on the couch
Lucy walks in the house to collect her things and sees him laying there and the mess around him
She decides to wake him up to make she he was ok
Lucy:Tim Tim wake up
Tim wakes up and sees her
Tim:what do you want
Lucy:making sure your ok
Tim:don't act like you care about me
Lucy:ok i know your angry and drunk so im gonna ignore that
Tim scoffs and gets up and goes in the kitchen
And grabs yet another beer
Lucy:is this your plan to sit here and drink yourself into sleep
Tim:well according to those papers your not my wife anymore so i guess you don't get a say in what i do now
Lucy:you know what ill come get my stuff another time you obviously don't want me here right now
Tim:your the one who wants to leave everything including me
Lucy:im not having this conversation with you while your being a drunk asshole
Tim:fine then don't
She turns and leaves but she doesn't go to where shes staying she goes to the station she knows Angelas probably mad at her for doing this to Tim but she needs someone to go take care of him
A:what Lucy is don't have time for non sense
Lucy:its Tim
A:what did he do
Lucy:i went to go get my stuff and he's drunk out of his mind he was angry so i left
A:ok ill go check on him
She walks past Lucy and goes to Greys office
He tells her to go and she drives to Tims and uses
Her emergency Key
She looks around and finds him asleep in bed
She decided to start cleaning up his mess and then she threw out the rest of the alcohol in the house
A few hours later he wakes up to the smell of food he goes into the kitchen and finds Angela
Tim:what are you doing here
Angela:Lucy said you were here drunk so i came over
Tim moves for the fridge
Tim:where is my stuff
Angela:if your talking about the alcohol i threw-it all out
A:stop your not gonna start drinking and staying drunk
Tim:why not
Angela knows what she has to say she doesn't want to but she needs to so she can help him
A:do you wanna be like your father like Isabelle
Tim:im not like them
A:yeah cause i bet if i had your BA tested it would be through the roof
Tim:ok i had to much to drink
Tim:im sorry
Angela:im not mad Tim but im not gonna let you do it either
Tim:i wont i promise
A:here eat this then go take a shower
He does what she asks
Tim:now what
A:now we sit you need to process everything but you need to sober up some more
They sit and talk the test of the night and both fall asleep the Next morning Tims up first
He walks into the kitchen and grabs water
Angela wakes up soon after
A:i need to run to the house for a few will you be ok
Tim:yeah ill be fine
She leaves and Tim decided to do some chores to keep his minds busy he's in the bedroom folding laundry when Lucy walks in
L:oh i figured you were at work
Tim:nope taking some time off
Lucy:i can go
Tim:no your fine he finishes folding some towels and walks past her to go put them away
Lucy:i was thinking we should talk
Tim:we should of talked before either of us made decisions that were gonna change everything
Lucy:yeah we should of i may of pulled the trigger a little to fast
Tim:yeah i noticed
He turns around to face her and pulls her closer
Tim:tell me theres nothing left
Tim:tell me theres nothing left to fight for and ill sign the papers and leave you be
Lucy:i can't
Lucy:because i would be lying
Tim:look me in the eyes and tell me this divorce is what you want
Lucy:i can't do that either cause i don't want it but i feel like we don't have a choice
Tim:we have choices Lucy theres ways to work through stuff don't you feel like we should try to fix this fix us before we start taking bigger measures
Lucy:you think we can fix this still
Tim:maybe but we won't know until we try lets try atleast if you still want the divorce in a month then ill sign the papers and you never have to see me again
Lucy:i don't want to not see you
Tim:i don't want that either
Lucy:lets try
Tim:ok first step would be you coming home
2 months later their sitting in the living room its Tims birthday they have been doing really great again
Lucy:i have one more thing for you
She pulls out the yellow envelope
Tim:stop no if your gonna do this do it some other day
Lucy:Tim stop relax watch she stands up and takes them over to the fireplace and throws them into the flames
Tim:you scared me i never wanna see a damn yellow envelope again
Lucy:im sorry love
Tim held her closer to him
Tim:never try to leave me again Lu
Lucy:i won't

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