One More Word

11 2 0

It's a fact that I've never been one to express my feelings, but then again other than people in therapy, girls on their periods and people going through divorces, who does?

My name is Sydney Barakat, however I wasn't born a Barakat like everyone thinks. I was born a Smith, sadly. My mother died when I was four years old, but the fact that she was dead didn't really kick in until I was nine. I loved my mother dearly, but I only knew her four years of my life, my father on the other hand knew her since they were twelve, they started dating at eighteen, got married at twenty-five and had me at twenty-six. After my Mum died my Dad slipped into alcoholism, which was just fantastic for four to twelve year old me. I was taken away from him when I was twelve, but that wasn't such a bad thing as I'm now with a family who actually care about me. Being adopted was something I always thought would never happen for me, why you might ask? Because no one wanted the child with anxiety and the strange music taste. Until the Barakat family adopted me at age fourteen, I adjusted rather quickly into their lifestyle.  Now here's the part that I love to tell, my brother is Jack Barakat, yes the Jack Barakat from All Time Low. We clicked automatically and over time he has become less of an older brother and more like a best friend, seeing as he was only a year older than me.

After my whirlwind childhood and four years of being part of an amazing family, we're here in the present. I'm now eighteen and laying on my bed watching Orphan Black and stuffing my face with some leftover pizza, I really am oh so healthy. 

"Sydney could you come here!" I hear Jack shout from downstairs, I sigh before grabbing the remote and pausing Netflix. Slowly, I rolled out of bed with an extremely audible groan, after it I  heard four familiar laughs, Jack had the boys over.

"Shit," I whispered. Practically running to my bathroom and looking in the mirror. The person in the mirror looked between,'I'm a little bit ill and all I need is coffee,' and,'Well the date is at the cinema, so I don't need that much make up, right?'' Flattening my hair slightly with a brush, I decided that I didn't need any make up, it was only my brothers friends. Adjusting the burgundy cardigan that was over my black and white Harry Potter vest and fiddling with the crumpled waistband of my matching Harry Potter shorts. 

After my decent down the cream carpeted stairs, I was greeted with a large hug from Jack,"So Sydney how ha-" He began before I cut him off.

"Jack, honey, you only ask how I've been if you want something, so what is it?"

He took a deep breath before beginning,"I have some friends over, and you've never met them, and you need to promise me, promise me, that you will not do any of the following; go out places with them, sleep with them, be a bitch towards them and mainly, as I have already said do not sleep with them."

Probably looking like an idiot, I stood there, mouth in a large 'o' shape and eyes practically popping out of my head. He really thought that I would meet his friends and just flat out say,"Hey, wanna fuck?"

"Okay, Jack, I'm not going to loose my temper over this because I am very tired. I do not want to fuck your friends and I am very offended that you think I would just fuck them, but date them, eh, I can't make any promises," I gave him a slight smirk causing him to hunch over and groan. He began blabbering about how it wouldn't be a good idea and he just,' Wouldn't allow it,' as if he actually made a difference by saying that.

Grinning to myself, I walked into the kitchen where everybody was and saw two faces that I was all to familiar with, Rian and Zack, Alex must be elsewhere in the house. "Sydney!" Rian greeted, pulling me into a hug, if I don't count Jack, then Rian was definitely who I was closest with," I assume Jack gave you the speech..."

"Sadly... Can you please tell me who these mystery people are? And if he gave the the stupid arse speech."

Rian chuckled slightly before replying," Yes, he did, and the people are Five Seconds Of Summer because as you know we are quite good friends with them. We also have some news to tell you."

"You mean Five Seconds Of Summer as in the Five Seconds Of Summer, my second favourite band of all time!" I said with a shocked tone, because I genuinely was.

"Yes, mini Barakat, the ones and only," I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Mr. Gaskarth, it is not nice to sneak up on pe-" Spinning around slightly my mouth went agape, standing with Alex was the Five Seconds Of Summer.

"H-h-hi, I'm S-Sydney," Why the hell was I so fucking nervous? I plastered a small smile to my face and went to apologise for being so nervous, but then I looked at Ashton and he gave me a small smirk, causing me to blush. Alex kept on looking between the two of us, a grin on his face,"What Gaskarth?"

"Well it seems that mini Barakat has a crush on Ash and that Ash, may like her back," He said smugly, causing everyone to laugh and Ashton and I to burst into defensive comments for ourselves and each other. Finally, Ashton and I stopped rambling, only to smirk at each other though.

"Okay guys are we goi-," Jack said entering the room, also cutting himself off," What did I miss?"

Michael, the guitarist of 5SOS, was the first to stop laughing," Nothing mate."

"Way to end Australian stereotypes," I sad slyly. Everyone looked at Michael, suppressing smirks and laughs.

"I walked into that one, but it was a very good joke so," He raised his  hand extremely high, but I still jumped up just enough to reach it. We all made our way towards the couches in the living room and took a seat, I was sat on a three seater between Ashton and Rian. 

Jack slowly stood up before clearing his throat,"Well, I think I should be the one to tell Sydney the news," Everyone nodded and I just sat there, dumbfounded, "In four months, we're going on tour with these guys and we want you to come along."



Words: 1115

Sorry if this is kinda shitty, it's my first story on this so... Hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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