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Returning home to Munising was the hardest decision to make for mum. She wanted to remain in dad's hometown. Start a new life there, confessing she would feel more connected to him that way.

I wouldn't let that happen, Munising was our home, we had our whole life there. Our friends who never stopped calling and checking up on us, our school, our house. It would be double the pain to leave all that behind. It took days of convincing and small arguments before she finally agreed to return back home.

Things weren't even going well at Crossview. First it was aunt Nevaeh, who blamed mum for dad's death, then, his mother asking for all his belongings. It was days filled with drama and chaos at the family house and yet she was eager to stay.

The atmosphere was serene, and the ride back home felt painfully longer than expected, but after another hour of aimlessly counting of trees that swiftly passed by, I smirked when I began to recognize the streets and beautiful landscape of Munising . Our city, our home and also the territory of Raimondo Parisi,  who had the government in his pocket, alongside politicians that consumed the city with their estates, picket fence houses, five star hotels, designer owned malls, spa, and schools. But it was their money and influence that made such beautiful city.

Munising wasn't the home for the weak and poor, it took a lot to survive. The crime rate topped all it's goodness and beauty, though no harm reached the citizens but when bad paths are crossed with the men in charge, things could get ugly.

The halting of the car pulled me out of my thoughts, and that's when I realized we were home. Our one storey apartment stood firm like it hadn't been empty for a month.

"Sierra, Sierra.." I tapped gently on my sister's arm to wake her up as mum stepped out of the car. She stirred and raised her head from against the window.

"Whhaat?" She mumbled and opened her eyes. "We are here." I said.  We stepped out of the car together. Mum had already started offloading our bags from the trunk, and stood staring at the house like she never wanted to return, which she didn't.

Sierra and I took some of the luggage from her. Inside the house felt cold, everything was exactly like we left it. Thankfully no one broke in. We opened all the windows before taking our bags to our various rooms.

Sierra's p.o.v

I sighed in content when I stepped into my room. Truly there was no place like home. I dumped my bags on the floor and fell face flat on my bed. The neighborhood was extremely quite which I loved.

I miss the feeling of home. But then we had to live in it without dad. Without hearing the sound of his cheerful whistling in the morning, without hearing him yelling "I'm home" when he returns from work at night. His clothes, his scent still lingered around some part of the house. A tear rolled down my cheeks as the painful truth hit me again. My dad was gone.

Just then my door slowly creaked open and Sage stepped in. " okay?" She asked soothingly as she settled beside me on the bed. I sniffled and sat up straight. "Yeah, I'm good, how is mum?"

She sighed and bowed her head. "I feel so fucking guilty for making us come back, for making HER come back." Sage frowned.

"She wasn't being fair, we couldn't just stay back at Crossview, what about school? I don't wanna be enrolled in another school and I definitely don't wanna stay back at the family house." I swallowed and turned fully to face her.

"Don't beat yourself up Sage"

"I'll try not to, ughhh... this is super hard, maybe at some point she could go back to the family house" She shrugged.

"And leave us by ourselves?" I shook my head. "She's not gonna."

"I know.." Sierra said and slumped on my bed with a frustrating groan. After a long warm bath, and a short nap. Mum prepared pancakes for us.

"Uhmm..My sister's coming over tonight." Mum stated as she slowly sliced her pancakes and stuffed it in her mouth. I glanced at Sage, whom was already looking at me.

"With Nelda?" I stopped chewing and asked, not wanting to hear the obvious answer.

"Yes." Mum replied.
"That bitch." Sage said and mum glared at her instantly "She's your cousin for crying out loud, and my niece."

"After what she did to me?, I don't want her to show her face here." I grimaced at the thought of her presence, making me lose my appetite.

"They are coming to stay with us for a while for support" Mum stated dropping her fork as her gaze moved from Sage to me.

"We don't need their freaking support!!" Sage hissed and also dropped her fork. Mum eyes widened at her response.

"I'm aware of the fact that you guys are not on good terms but this is my sister we are talking about, and if you think you don't need their support that's fine, but you see me.." She placed her hand on her chest. "I need it, I need it badly" Mum already had tears in her eyes as she slowly rose from her sit. "Ava and Nelda will come, and they will stay for as long as they want. And that's final."

With that she walked out of the dinning area and went upstairs. I looked at Sage who sighed and sipped her orange juice. "They can come but Nelda shouldn't dare cross paths with me." I stood up and walked away, leaving Sage alone.

I curled under my sheets and grabbed my phone. I had tons of messages from my best friend Rory. I quickly texted her that we had returned. She replied instantly, saying

"On my way!!" I smiled to myself before getting up to change. How I've missed my friend and hanging out with her. Many people called us nerds caused we'd always hangout in a library, getting lost in novels, or stuffing our faces with ice ream AT the library. It was us against the world. I brushed my hair and held it up in a ponytail, I changed into a yellow thigh high summer dress and nude flats.

I stared at my reflection and pondered on dying my browm hair, like Sage did hers pink. But  dismissed the thought and grabbed my phone, just then I heard the front door open.
I squealed and rushed out of my room, only to find..

Ava and Nelda.

OH NO..hehe

Let's see what happens next>>😊

..Don't forget to vote mi amor..

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