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"Alright, we. are. here." Mum said after pulling over at a safe distance across the street.

I stared at the school's compound watching as students hurriedly moved about.

Nothing really changed. Just a few trees that had lost almost all it's leaves and others that had been planted.

Nostalgia kicked in.

Munising High. Very big, very eye-catching, stress packed, competitive, thirty years old drama filled high school.

Welcome back to Sophomore year!!"

"Looks like you guys are late" Mum said, staring at us through the review mirror, as we unbuckled our seatbelts. She didn't look happy about it.

Luckily she didn't give us her famous boring ass story about how punctuality was one of the attributes that earned her class president during her time in highschool.

Honestly, i would have sprinted out running like a cat whose tail were on fire.

"Thanks to Sage" Sierra groaned and I gasped as she quickly got out of the car with me following suit.  "Bye mom" We said in unison.

"Love you guys" She waved us goodbye and started the engine.

"You know it takes a long amount of time to look this hot" I stated and was about smiling when she gave me the scariest glare in the history of glares.

"Jeez, I'm sorry" i threw my hands up in surrender before rushing to catch up with her "You nervous?" She asked, adjusting her dress with an unsure expression.

"A little bit" i sighed and gripped my bag strap, realizing that i really was nervous, it had literally been a whole month since we left school, and coming back after everything gave me a weird feeling in my guts.

My mind became clouded with thoughts and questions. "Does the school know about what happened? Definitely our friends and the school board knew but did they tell others?" Did other students notice our absence? Did the news spread?

But immediately we stepped inside, and I spotted my friends at their lockers, I was filled with joy and all other emotions flew out the window.

"OMG!!" Jessie screamed and dropped her textbooks when she spotted us. She ran to me and jumped into my arms, gasping in disbelief.

"Heyy" I chuckled stumbling back a little but gave up when Rhea joined in the hug that sent us flying backwards.

"And I thought mine was bad" Sage giggled while helping us up.

"Yoooo, you guys are back" Scott came and hugged us both, as Rhea and Jessie blabbed on about how they missed me.

Jessie even started crying.

Josh too saw us. "NO WAY" He rushed to Sierra first and threw an arm around her. "I missed you the most"

Was he seriously still crushing on her? I shook my head with a grin.

She squirmed and tried to duck away, when Rory came yelling from the end of the hall "Get your hand off her Mallory or I'll chop it off!!"

Damn she looked scary.

She gently pulled her friend away from his hold and they both rushed to class, Sierra sighing in relief.


He scoffed and turned to me with an evil grin, but before I could protest, he threw me over his shoulder and ran down the hall yelling. "MY BITCH IS BACKKKKK!!" The others scurried after him laughing and cheering. Students who lingered around their lockers stared at us weirdly.

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