
59 18 83

One month later

Author's POV

The car hummed quietly as Abhijay sat on the back seat, his fingers gripping his kurta in a way that showed his unease. Their flight had ended just an hour ago and they were seated in a taxi, going towards the court. Beside him, his sister, Anandita, was busy humming to some song playing on her headphones, ignoring the tension in the air. In the seat beside was his mother who was re-doing her lipstick for the nth time.

Anandita glanced at her and sighed.

"Maa, you should have used a better brand. I've one in my bag, want it?" She suggested.

"I hate your nude shades." She dusted it off with a bit of arrogance in her voice. She always thought she is the best.

"Cool." Anandita was rather unbothered as if she was used to it.

His mother started doing her touch-up again.

After putting the lipstick back in her rather huge handbag, she and Mr. Malhotra, who was sitting in the passenger seat, exchanged soft smiles, chatting about the excitement of the wedding, their eyes twinkling with pride.

They were on their way to Jaipur for Abhijay’s marriage, a day that should have been joyous, but to him, it was bittersweet.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and without even looking at the screen, Abhijay knew who it was. His heart skipped a beat. His fingers hovered over the screen before finally answering the call.

“Suhana,” he said, his voice softer than usual. He was trying not to catch the attention of his family.

“Abhijay! I was just about to ask if you're on your way. It’s happening today, you know! My marriage...You’ll come, right?” Her voice carried that usual lightness, the kind that always calmed him.

For a moment, Abhijay’s heart clenched. Suhana had no idea. How could he tell her now, when everything was already in motion? His voice caught in his throat, but he forced himself to speak.

“I’ll be there,” he said, his voice tight.

“Promise?” she asked, and he could hear her smiling.

“I promise,” he replied, his heart heavy. He quickly ended the call before the weight of guilt could take over.


Suhana stood at the entrance of the small court building in Jaipur, adjusting her dupatta nervously. Her father sat nearby, resting against a bench, his frail body clearly exhausted. But his eyes still sparkled with hope. He was the reason Suhana had agreed to this sudden marriage with someone she didn’t even know, only because she wanted to fulfill her father’s supposed last wish.

But even now, her thoughts were on Abhijay. She had been counting on his presence. Where was he?

Her heart ached at the thought of going through this without him. He has always been with her, through her blues and lights.

She was in her thoughts when she heard the sound of a car beeping. The loud noise of dholaks and Shehnais made her clench her skirt tightly.

She felt a sudden surge of nervousness through her body as she realised that the procession that will take her to Mumbai has arrived.

Suhana’s father stood up, smiling warmly. The groom’s family had arrived. Suhana took a deep breath, her gaze scanning the faces. But she couldn’t see Abhijay anywhere. Instead, she was greeted by the groom, his face hidden behind a sehra, his identity a mystery to her.

Her eyes wandered on the faces of her to-be family again and that's when it hit her, why do they look so familiar?

Her eyes met Anandita’s and she looked down with a frown.

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