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|Autumn's POV|

"Just to be clear" Galen is next to me as we are in the Salvatore House with Elena, the brothers, Anna and Rose. Rose is this vampire who tried to give Elena to Elijah "I'm only here because Anna asked me"

"And we are grateful" Stefan says "for you doing this, being here to fill in blanks"

"Who is Klaus?" Elena asks me

"The original hybrid" sitting down on an armchair "born a werewolf, turned into a vampire and had his werewolf side locked up because of a witch"

"But why go after Elena?" Damon asks

"Katherine was not the first doppelgänger" Galen hands me some bourbon cause Damon has some pretty good shit "before that there was a girl named Tatia, she was a doppelgänger. Her blood was used to seal Klaus's werewolf nature and he has been trying to undo what his mother did for centuries. Only a doppelgänger can undo it"

"How do you know so much?" Elena asks

"She's a paragon" Rose explains "Paragons are like witches, servants of nature but they were created by Isis the Egyptian goddess"

"Gods are real?" Damon asks

"Very real" Anna nods her head "if a vampire was to kill a paragon, it's an instant death sentence for that vampire...I've met a couple and each had a unique set of gifts"

"Autumn" Galen placed his hand on my shoulder "is the most powerful in generations" Elena rolls her eyes shaking her head "and unfortunately you Elena, Klaus? He knows you exist so I'm taking Autumn as far away from here as possible since Klaus will do anything to kill you and might mistake Autumn for you"

"Look" Stefan sits down next to Elena "we don't know what is true or what isn't and"

"Why don't you ask Katherine?" Anna, Galen and I all say

"She's met him" Anna says "she knows more about him than all of us, also Elijah? You didn't kill him"

Damon scoffs "drove a stake through his heart, he is dead"

"He's an Origjnal" getting up from my spot "the only thing that can kill him or any is with a special weapon, unfortunately for you there is only one weapon left and if you any of you use it to kill Klaus or any of the Originals they will come looking for vengeance" looking at Elena "and a bit of advice Elena since you'll need it, don't fight. Klaus will kill anyone who stands in his way, I know that much"

"How are you friends with Katherine?" Damon demands

Looking over to him "Who says I'm friends with her? At the end of the day, Katherine is nothing more than a manipulative bitch who only looks out for herself. I don't mess with her and have her think I'm on her side because I'm looking out for myself and those I care for"

When we leave for Tree Hill, Caroline comes with since she and Sherif Forbes think that a fresh start is what is needed. I asked Bonnie if she wanted to come with but she declined, saying that Mystic Falls is where she belongs and she feels more of a connection to her family here than anywhere else.


"Come on love birds" Caroline is next to me as Galen and I kiss, Caroline left earlier to check out the place before me. Get a feel for the place around us, I had no problem with it since Galen and I decided to christen our room in the house.

"I love you" placing my forehead to Galen's

"I love you too" he and I kiss one more time before Caroline drags me towards the school, Galen chuckles shaking his head before driving off on his motorcycle.

"I swear" Caroline looks between us "I am jealous of you, I want what you have with Galen" people look our way as we walk towards the entrance of the school.

"Hello" Caroline and I turn around seeing two guys behind us, one tall guy over six foot with short black hair, tan skin and dark colored eyes while the other guy has short brown hair, brown eyes and light colored skin with full lips "how are you fine ladies doing?"

"Hello handsome" Caroline smirks walking closer to the big guy "I'm Caroline this is Autumn"

"Felix" he introduces himself

"Mouth" Mouth smiles at me "it's nice to meet you"

"You too" we shake hands and he sees my engagement and wedding band "yes, I'm married"

He is shocked while Felix asks "Really? Who's the father?"

"She isn't pregnant" Caroline argues while looking at me "you and Galen would make such beautiful babies though, ooh! If it's a boy you should name him Carl Junior and if it's a girl Caroline Junior or CJ"

A laugh escapes me "So you both are new?" Mouth asks "So if Felix"

"Well maybe us new people" Caroline links her arm through Felix's "could find our way around?"

"Peyton, Haley" Mouth looks behind us to two girls who walk up before us. Haley has light brown hair with brown eyes and light colored skin while Peyton who is a bit taller and skinnier with curly blonde hair, green eyes and light colored skin "this is Felix, Caroline and Autumn"

"Hi" Haley shakes our hands "it's nice to meet you"

"Girl" Felix flirts and Caroline looks offended "you are totally fine"

"Dude" Haley shows her ring "I'm totally married"

"Really?" Caroline asks "So is Autumn, she recently got married. Ooh! Who's your husband? Is he handsome?"

"And you" placing my hands on Caroline's shoulder "take it down a notch"

"Sorry" she mouths

Some guy who is a bit taller than Felix appears. He has short dark brown hair with light colored skin and blue eyes "Standing a bit close aren't you buddy?"

"Ah" Felix motions "the father"

"They're married" Mouth corrects "but she isn't pregnant"

"Yeah, yeah" he agrees "I see the rings and I see someone likes money while the other one likes poor guys" my eyes widen and I slap Felix hard that he grabs his face in pain stumbling back.

"I'll have you know" glaring at Felix "what's between Galen and I isn't money, it's love. You'd know that if you stopped for a moment to think with your brain and not your dick"

Going into the school with Caroline who is glaring at Felix "Ugh" Caroline shakes her head "the nerve on that person, so what if you're married. It doesn't mean you have to be pregnant—though I am serious about the names"

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