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|Galen's POV|

Staring at Autumn who is sleeping in our bed, she looks so peaceful. Moving my eyes from her face to her swollen belly, Demetri explained how one of the babies is his and that it's growing fast.

Autumn begins to cry in her sleep and I place my hand on her shoulder, she gasps awake and looks around before seeing me. She lifts her hand to my face "Galen?" She asks "Is this...are you really here?"

"I'm here" Demetri is in the kitchen with Caroline, I must really love Autumn to tolerate having two vampires in my home "Demetri found me, he told me about that Jimmy Edwards and the babies"

"Galen" shaking her head, tears come down her face "you have no idea"

"Stop apologizing, J forgive you Autumn" during my time away I wondered how Autumn could cheat on me, then after thinking about it. Especially when Demetri basically never talked to her or focused on anything more than her breasts and wanting to fuck her, he's the one I blame "it was pregnancy hormones"

"I don't understand how I didn't know" she says "it's my body and we saw the test"

"It was probably too early or a false negative" I say

She smiles at me then the smile goes away when she looks at my arm, she looks up at me "What about—should you even be here? What if someone"

"I'm not leaving again Autumn" promising her, damn those other vampires. One person I'm definitely ending is Elena Gilbert, how dare she lie to Autumn and cause a rift in our marriage. I was already close to forgiving Autumn earlier until Caroline told me what Elena said to Autumn and Autumn so easily believed her "you need me more"

"The world needs you more" she corrects, taking my hand out fingers lace "Silas staying alive? No" leaning down pressing my lips to hers, I missed this.

Pulling away for us to breathe "We're having a baby"

"We're having a baby" she confirms, picking her up she screeches as I spin her around. Setting her down kneeling before her, lifting my shirt that she's wearing to kiss her swollen belly "Galen? Please tell me you're closer to completing your mark? That you'll know where to go"

"Barely" getting up off the floor "why?" She's never once asked how close I am to finishing the mark.

"I have a bad feeling" shaking her head, wiping away the tears "I think Silas is going to wake soon"

Wrapping my arms around her, stroking her hair "Don't worry, I won't let him get close to you or our family" she holds me close. Autumn like all other paragons can get brief visions of either the past or the future, if Silas is going to wake soon then I need to start hunting more vampires.


"What did you want to talk to me about?" I should be at the funeral for Keith Scott with Autumn but Demetri is filling in for me, pretending to be me. I hate that.

Esther turns to look at me "There is still a way for you to kill my children, they are still linked and there is a white oak tree that still exists"

"What are you talking about?" Crossing my arms demanding from her.

"La Push, Washington" she shows me an image of the tree "find this tree and cut it down, make enough stakes or bullets or whatever to end my children but there is something I need to do to you"

"Do to me?" I ask

"I need to make you like my husband" she explains "as a member of the Brotherhood you are still mortal, a supernatural mortal but if I make you like Mikael. The ultimate vampire hunter, don't you want revenge on Demetri for fucking Autumn?"

Grabbing her by her throat slamming her up against the wall "How the fuck do you know that?" I never told anyone, Autumn told her friends and they wouldn't have blabbed it to Esther "Did you..."

"I needed your rage" she isn't apologetic at all "to kill my children, that rage was focused. I needed to keep you and Autumn away long enough and I knew with your doppelgänger here..."

Letting her go placing a hand over my mouth "You'll pay for this, rest assured but right now I need to find that tree does anyone else know?"

"Only the tree in Mystic Falls" she places her hands before her "there are two white oak trees that exist, balance is needed so nature made two white oak trees"

By the time I'm back in Tree Hill, Caroline and Demetri are in the kitchen making out. I grab Demetri's arm yanking him aside "We need to talk" I can't believe I'm even doing this, I love you a lot Autumn.

"What's going on?" Demetri asks

"Caroline's going to die" With how Demetri's acting towards Caroline and him coming around to see her and Autumn but mostly her. Demetri is taken aback "I found a white oak tree and Esther told me if an Original dies all vampires from their line goes extinct, Autumn doesn't know and I'm not telling her"

"Why are you telling me?" He demands

Giving him a look, he doesn't understand "Find a way to save your soulmate Demetri, Caroline means a lot to Autumn. Now I'm gonna see Autumn before leaving to get that white oak—-you can track people can't you?"

"Why?" He asks

"Me telling you is a favor" crossing my arms "tell me where each of the Cullens are"

"Cullens?" He asks "you mean Carlisle Cullen?"

"And his coven" he didn't know Carlisle had a coven, wow "I'm not going to stop until each Cullen is dead, tell me and we'll call you fucking my wife square"

"Only one of them is in Rio" he says "the others keep moving in they know you're after them?"

"Yes" I say "the one in Rio, if he moves tell me. I have a bone to pick with him"

|Autumn's POV|

In the doctor's office Demetri and Galen are both here, I'm on the exam table relaxing "We so have to get one of these exam tables" I say "they are so comfy"

"What's this?" Demetri picks up the ultrasound wand.

"It's an ultrasound wand" Galen tells him "they put it inside the woman"

"To do what?" He waves it around "it looks like a very big toothbrush" he then grabs a speculum "what's this? What? I don't keep up with modern technology" They've been hiding something, even Caroline. I don't know what but I don't like the secrecy. I mean Demetri has been on edge more with protecting me and Caroline, Caroline especially. What's going on?

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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