Chapter 8

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I couldn't get that stupid keychain out of my head all weekend. I was over analyzing, I knew I was. But the memory of that present was so wholesome, I missed when we were like that. I miss her.

Sunday night, I was home alone laying in bed lost in thoughts of Olivia. I didn't know what to do to stop thinking about her. I caved and ended up touching myself with thoughts of her flooding my mind.

It wasn't something I did too often, but even just imagining her kissing me, touching me, was enough to ignite my body. I had so many pent up emotions, when I finally reached the biggest orgasm I felt a wave of calm. I wanted her, there was a part of me that hoped she still wanted me too.


I hated Monday's, they were the longest day of the week for me. Not because of school, but because of the traffic I was always stuck in going to and from the practice facility. I was tired so I wore baggy sweats, a hoodie, and UGG slippers to school.

I showed up to 3rd period early, headphones in, listening to a relaxing playlist. I took a seat and waited for class to start. I didn't look up, but I could feel that Olivia entered the room, she took her seat right behind me. I tried not to focus on how I felt being near her. I was focused on the song playing, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I took out a headphone and turned around to face her. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed more blue than usual.

"Hey," she said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I was uh-having a hard time finding information for the jumping portion of the project. Do you think we could work on it after school today?" She asked.

"Oh," I was taken aback she was even talking to me. "I-I can't today, I won't be able to until Thursday, is that okay?"

"What about during lunch tomorrow?" She countered.

"Y-yeah sure," I gave her a small smile then turned back around.

I was a little surprised by her request. Maybe she was trying to finish this project as soon as possible so we wouldn't have to spend any more time together? That was the only explanation I could think of.


"We're going to Jerry's Sandwiches, right?" Nessa asked as 4th period ended the following day.

"I can't, I'm meeting Liv in the library to work on something for the project," I said.

"Woah, wait-" she grabbed my arm preventing me from moving, "why didn't you tell me about this?"

"It's not a big deal, she asked me yesterday-"

"It is a big deal, she's been a bitch to you and all of a sudden she's asking for help?" Nessa wasn't convinced.

"It's fine, trust me it's nothing more than just the project. If there was more to tell, I would."

"And when do you think you'll tell the rest of the girls what's been going on with you?" I was silent, "I know you're scared, but I can assure you they won't care. I'm tired of seeing you be sad over this Val."

"I know," I admitted

"You said you wanted to be more open, the best place to start is with your friends. I'm holding you to that bitch," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay I know, I'll tell them soon."


"I gotta go, bring me back half a turkey club, I'll ApplePay you."

"Okayy, text me when you're done," she said and walked towards the school exit.

I was nervous walking to the library. Any interactions with Olivia had me second guessing myself. Would I say the wrong thing? Would I say too little or too much? Did she think I was an idiot every time I said something? Never in my life had I ever felt so insecure. I took pride in my confidence, but since everything happened anytime I'm around Liv, my confidence has been nonexistent. Sometimes I felt like I didn't even recognize myself. My friends were right, I've been sulking for months now. It's not like I did it on purpose, I just felt...empty.

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