how'd that get here

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By the time the groups had set up their campfires it was well past sundown. Families sit around three campfires telling stories to the children acting like the world around them isn't going to hell a few miles away. Alistair sits between Glenn and Rick trying not to nod off, leaning his head on Glenn's arm in the short time that Alistair had known Glenn he had started looking at him as an older brother even if there was no blood relation between the two before jolting awake as Glenn moved his arm trying to find a more comfortable way to sit before Alistair decided to just lay on the dirt listening to the conversation in front of him.

"I felt like I had been ripped out of my life put somewhere else. I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever." Alistair looks up slightly staring at Rick giving a look of petty before Carl looked up at Rick "mom said you died." Alistair sits up fully choking on the water he was sipping on before Lori hugged Rick, brushing her hand through Carl's hair. "Your mom had every reason to believe that. don't you ever doubt it" rick lets out a long sigh staring down at carl his hand laid on his chest "when things started to get really bad they told me at the hospital that they were going to medivac you and the other patients to Atlanta and that never happened" Lori stares at Shane knowing that he said her husband was dead still rubbing her hand through Carl's hair "I'm not surprised that never happened after Atlanta fell and from the look of that hospital it was overrun." Rick lets out a huff putting his head against loris.

"You'll never understand how grateful I am to you, Shane can't begin to express it." rick looks over to his friend as Lori brings rick's hand up to her shoulder using is as a pillow Alistair sits up feeling sparks from a fire behind him on the back of his neck moving closer to Glenn before turning around seeing a bigger rougher looking man shifting wood around in the firepit making it stronger before Shane stares daggers over to him "hey ed you wanna rethink that log." the man stares over at Shane "it's cold man." Alistair lets out a sigh realising why he had recognised that man he had remembered him as his father Alistair shudders before moving closer to the fire hoping not to get caught in the crossfire of the brewing argument "cold don't change the rules does it? Keep our fires low just ember so we cant be seen from a distance right?" "I said it was cold so why don't you mind your own business for once." This last comment sends Shane off watching him get up rushing over to the nearby fire. Alistair starts to get up ready to go into the RV in case it escalates. Shane had walked over to Ed standing over him "hey ed. You sure you wanna have this conversation right now?" Alistair had already stood up knowing from experience how these situations tend to end either with a screaming match between the two or someone getting hurt before Ed looks over to a woman with short grey hair "go on pull that thing out. Go on!" before she stands up pulling the log from the fire Shane stomping it out crouching in front of the two girls "hey carol Sophia how are yall this evening?" Shane's voice had softened talking to the two before the woman answered, trying not to draw attention to the bruises on her arm and neck "fine we're just fine. I'm sorry about the fire" before Shane cuts her off "no no no no no apology needed yall have a good night alight." walking past ed giving him a smug look "thank you for the cooperation."

before walking back over to the main group around the other fire sitting down as Alistair sits down closer to Glenn resting his head on his leg "you given any thought to Daryl Dixon he won't be happy to know his brother was left behind." is all Alistair had heard before he had fallen asleep using Glenn's leg as a pillow letting out a soft snore Glenn looking down at him. "The kids out I'm gonna go put him in the rv if we're gonna talk about this just wait a couple minutes for me to try figure out that pull-out bed." Shane sighs "fine but be quick." as Glenn picks up the sleeping Alistair carrying him into the rv laying him on the sofa trying to get the pull-out bed to release itself realising something was stuck on the mattress he tugs on it the bed finally coming out with Alistair's knife laid on top of it grabbing it putting him down onto the bed throwing the cover over him hearing the soft snoring before walking out of the rv with the knife in hand

"What was the opinion on the kids having weapons?" Lori looks up at him, seeing the knife "we decided as a group for the kids to not have them, any of the kids doesn't matter." Glenn lets out a sigh not wanting to deal with how Alistair might react when he eventually wakes up the next morning. "I mean I shouldn't just let him have it should I?" Glenn starts trying to decide either to take Alistair's knife or to give it back acting like he had never seen it "if that's Alistair's he shouldn't have it, give it to Dale he'll figure out where it can be used." Glenn puts the knife in front of dale not entirely agreeing with the kids not being able to defend themselves but also not liking the idea of him not having a form of defence unless he's within shouting distance of an adult "I mean maybe he should be exception he's more than capable enough to defend himself I've seen it first-hand." Lori doesn't like the idea of someone who's barely thirteen having a knife especially with Carl being so close to him "Glenn my answer is no that's final." Glenn sits back at the campfire as the night drags on.

The following morning Glenn walks into the RV seeing the sleeping Alistair before knocking on the door waking him up. "Sorry buddy it's just everyone's up and Carl asked when you would wake up to go play and I didn't know what to say so here we are." Alistair sits up staring at him squinting and confused on where he was "what." He stares at Glenn with a confused look before Carl squeezes himself past "come on Alistair your so boring get up I wanna play." Alistair finally realising what's going on standing up "yeah I um just give me a second Carl I'll be out soon." he stares at the door seeing carl run back out towards the treeline looking up at Glenn "I couldn't just sleep for a bit longer could I?" Glenn scoffs at his snarky answer "these clothes are annoying me I need to change." Glenn looks at Alistair's clothes covered in blood and dirt "on my next run I'll go grab you some don't worry." Alistair looks up at him smiling, sniffing himself before gagging "Jesus ok um is there like a shower or something?" Glenn chuckled looking down at the dirt that had stained the sheets and cover as well. "You go down to the quarry with me later. It's not the cleanest but it's better than stinking."

Alistair stands up walking past him going after carl who was standing in the treeline before running after him "oh come on carl we both know you suck as hiding" Alistair starts walking over to him seeing brown hair sticking out from behind a tree hitting who he thought was carl over the back of the head before an all familiar low groan was heard his eyes widening as the walker had Alistair pinned under it carl then coming around the corner "CARL GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!" the walkers jaws snapping at Alistair only being kept away from what little strength he had his arms slowly giving out seeing carl run away hearing him call for rick Alistair tried his best trying to keep the walkers snapping jaws away from him turning his head away tears had started to roll down his cheeks was this it his final day all because he didn't have his knife.

He looked over towards camp hoping he would see someone start to come over before he heard footsteps, the leaves crunching under what seemed to be multiple people seeing Glenn rick Shane and Morales running in from the trees "GLENN GET THIS THING OFF ME!" As Glenn shoved the walker to the side, Alistair breathed heavily, the weight being taken off of his arms struggling to get up, falling before standing behind Glenn. "Thank you thank you thank you Glenn I thought I was dead." before hugging him from behind blood splattering across him as dale decapitated the walker seeing that the walker had somehow gotten a hold of a deer Alistair looks away gagging putting his head against Glenn's arm "can we go back I um I don't wanna see it?" Glenn looks down at Alistair, seeing the discomfort he sighs "let's go down to the quarry kid."

Alistair and Glenn had walked back to camp seeing Shane putting a scruffy man into a chokehold and Rick talking to him like a child Glenn walking over Alistair staying close behind him as rick looks over at him "Glenn you're coming with us you know your way in and out no problem you've said it yourself." "Ugh really man." Glenn lets out a disappointed sigh turning around putting his hands on Alistair's shoulders "Listen kid, I'll be back in a few hours, I'll be fine." he pats his shoulder before walking over to the van looking at Shane "you going down to the quarry today?" Shane looks up from the floor "yeah why?" "do me a favour take Alistair down there with you I would of myself but I gotta go." Shane nods before looking at the bloodstains across Alistair's face and clothes as Alistair walks closer to the truck "Glenn grab me some clothes while you're out please." he moves out of the way walking over to Shane as rick and t-dog get in the back of the van driving off "Alistair I was gonna go teach carl to catch frogs you can go do that or you can go sit with the ladies doing laundry." Alistair laughs at the idea of catching frogs "your serious catching frogs?" Shane gives him a playful expression before starting the long walk down towards the quarry below

Authors note

Sorry for the filler chapter :<

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