Prologue: Sigrid Kaslana

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A-kun: Hey there, Reader-chan! I've always been passionate about heroes' stories. So, I've decided to give it a shot and create a 'DanMachi' fanfiction. I'm not the biggest expert on DanMachi, but trust me, I've done my homework. This is just a work of fanfiction, so please don't expect perfect accuracy to the source material. I've taken some liberties with the plot, and even changed the ages of a few characters, like Alfia, Meteria and so on. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading my new project. ヾ(•ω•')o


Sigrid's PoV

I grinned cheekily as I heard my grandpa calling out to me from a distance. ''Sigrid! Slow down a bit!'' he shouted, his voice barely audible over the rustling of leaves and twigs beneath my feet.

''You just need to run faster, Grandpa!'' I replied cheekily with a smile on my face. Turning back towards him briefly, I began to leap even faster between the trees.

''Don't be like that Sigrid! I hear some goblins still lurk around this forest! So please come back here now and stay close by your old grandpa'' he shouted after me, his breath coming out raggedly between words.

It wasn't like we were doing this for the first time though. Since I started living with Grandpa, I have been training very hard so that one day, when I am ready, I can go to Orario and become an adventurer just like Mama and Papa and protect those who couldn't protect themselves. 

Especially little Bell - even though he was technically only my cousin, it felt like he was more of a baby brother to me. He looked as cute as a bunny, especially when we snuggled together at night while I read him stories before bed.

Suddenly, I noticed something green and small holding a knife - it was a goblin. Without any hesitation, I landed on the ground with confidence and looked at them with determination.

''You there! You have caused so much trouble for the people in this village. As the heroine of justice, I will punish you!'' I declared proudly to the goblins. However, they seemed confused by my words as they didn't understand me.

They didn't back down - instead they screamed and charged towards me brandishing their weapons.

As the goblins ran towards me, I quickly assessed their movements and prepared to engage them in combat. 

Even though I wasn't part of either Zeus or Hera familia members and never received their blessing called falna like them; having spent so much time around Uncle Zald or watching Dad train with his sword or others members who visited me almost often at my former home outside of Orario.

Seeing them move and fight taught me some basic moves. Mama is really talented too, earning her the nickname 'Incarnation of Talent' or 'Monster of Talent.' I guess that talent passed down to me, since I'm good at copying things after seeing them just once.

However pulling off some techniques from papa or uncle Zald was almost impossible for me due to my child body size - So all i could do is pull off very rip-off versions from them.

I drew my wooden sword and deftly dodged the goblins' clumsy movements as I observed their every move. Waiting until the last possible moment, I struck them down one by one with precise strikes that seemed almost like a dance - each hit landing perfectly on its target.

Within moments, all three goblins lay defeated at my feet. As they dissolved into black smoke, they dropped some small magic stones that glimmered in the sunlight.

''Hehehe~ Pocket money to buy some delicious meat!'' I exclaimed gleefully as I scooped up the stones and pocketed them for later use. With a satisfied grin on my face, I turned back towards Grandpa who was watching me from afar.

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