001. Guts

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Chapter One: GutsSeason One , Episode Two

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Chapter One: Guts
Season One , Episode Two

Nathan was at the camp helping to keep watch while Glenn and others had went into town, Nathan tried to go with them but Shane made him stay back. The Cameron boy didn't really like the ex cop he had a bad feeling about him ever since they first met but he pushed that feeling aside for the group, Nathan stood on the RV with Dale an old man that Nathan had seen as a father figure.

Everyone was currently doing their chores they had been assigned to do ever since they made camp "Dale, I'm heading out." Lori Grimes a woman that Nathan seen as a mother figure said as she started walking off into the woods with a red bucket

"Sweetheart, I want you to stay where Dale and Nathan can see you." Lori told her son carl who was sitting on the ground playing

Carl nodded "Yes mom." Carl replied

"You too, don't wander too far." Nathan yelled from the top of the RV "stay within shouting distance and if you hear anything holler, I'll come running." Dale added

Lori nodded "yes mom." She said mocking to the two men as she walked off with the bucket into the woods

Nathan sighed as he sat down in a chair on the RV "You good?" Dale asked looking Nathan with a raised eyebrow

The Cameron boy nodded "Yup, just tired didn't get much sleep last night." Nathan mumbled looking at the view in front of him

"How come?" Dale asked worriedly "Couldn't sleep, just kept thinking." Nathan replied

Dale nodded looking back out into the distance Nathan didn't want to get close to anyone in case he had to say goodbye that's why everyone in the group called him a lone wolf, but recently he's been trying to get close to them after losing his parents he didn't see a reason to live anymore and he sure as hell didn't want to live in world where the dead took over.

From a young age Nathan had struggled with his sexuality he knew he liked girls and boys, But down the line he came to terms with it and accepted it his parents didn't know what to think when he first came out as bisexual but they accepted him. No one in the group knew Nathan was bisexual he planned on keeping it a secret for as long as he could.

It also didn't help when Carl would see Nathan staring at Daryl Dixon for a little longer than he should've been "Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?" Dale said as he was fixing something in the RV

"No, sir." Jimmy a man that Nathan didn't really know replied as Dale handed him something to hold "where the hell are we gonna find a replacement?" Nathan asked

Dale shrugged "it's late, they should've been back by now." Amy Harrison said about the group Glenn took into town with him "worrying won't make it better." Nathan replied turning around to face the blonde

The girl walked off "Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me?" Came from the static of the radio that sat on top of dale's RV Nathan made his way up the RV with Dale following behind him "Base Camp, this is T-Dog anybody hear me?" Came again

Nathan grabbed the walkie "Hello? Hello?" Nathan asked "reception's bad in this end." He added

"Repeat repeat?" Nathan said but nothing he said seemed to get through the other end "is that them?" Lori asked him

"We're in some deep shit." T-dog said "we're trapped in the department store." He added

Nathan held the button down on the walkie "He say they're trapped?" Shane asked rubbing his head

"There's geeks all over the place, hundreds of them. We're surrounded." Nathan sighed "Fuck, stupid shitty radio!" Nathan yelled

Dale scooted Nathan over and grabbed the walkie from him "T-Dog, repeat that last. Repeat." Dale said trying to get through

As expected nothing but static "he said the department store." Lori said "We heard it too." Nathan also said

"Shane." Lori said trying to talk sense into the police officer "no way, we do not go after them." Shane told her

Nathan rolled his eyes "We do not risk the rest of the group, y'all know that." Nathan groaned "so send me!" Nathan said from the RV

Shane looked up at Nathan "No, we need you here." Nathan was getting tired of Shane trying to the boss of him "so we're just gonna leave my sister there?" Amy asked

"Look Amy, I know that this is not easy—" Amy cut Shane off "she volunteered to go, to help the rest of us."

Shane nodded "I know, and she knew the risks, right? See if she's trapped she's gone so we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." Nathan scoffed

"She's my sister you son of a bitch." Amy said angrily as she took off running, Nathan let out a little laugh causing Shane to look at him

Nathan understood where Shane was coming from but he also understood Amy

Lori and Shane stared at each other as Lori turned around and walked off to catch up to Amy "come on, it's alright bud." Shane said to Carl as he put his hand on carls head

Nathan jumped down from the RV and headed towards his tent that was somewhat close to Daryl's he sighed as he laid on his makeshift bed and closed his

Authors note;
I know this bad but I really wanted to get
Something out for you guys, I hope you
All enjoyed it and stick with me through
This whole book !

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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