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I could hear the beeps of machines through my warm haze. I was floating,  my thoughts disjointed. 

"What's the story with this one?"
"Brought in by the fire brigade.  That beauty shop down on 8th Street was hit by a bomb blast. She was caught in the rubble."
"More than caught in the rubble by the looks of it. Did we manage to get all the dirt out of her skin before we bandaged her up?"
"Most of it. Some was too embedded. We're just going to have to watch for infection."
"Poor girl, let's make her as comfortable as possible. Is anyone waiting for her?"
"She said no,  but that cute fireman is out in the waiting room for her.  You know, Lovelace."
I heard the hums of appreciation.
"Hmm the Monk of Lovelace. Are we sure he's not gay?"
"He's not gay, I asked him." A new voice joined the gossip circle.
"Did you? What did he say?"
"He looked sad,  and then said he's just getting over his wife divorcing him" The speaker sighed, "I offered to help, and he just shook his head."
"Bummer, wait, do you think this one is his ex wife?"

I tried to laugh. I'd just learnt more about Matchstick than anyone in the club.  He was secretive to a fault about personal life before coming to the club.  All I knew was that he'd meet up with a student teacher called Amber every week,  but she was banned from club facilities. 

She was a regular at the shop for Mani, Pedi,  and wax.  And spent a lot of time complaining that she only had the student body to choose from because her cousin banned her from the club bars. Apparently the student boys weren't up to her taste, but the club boys were out of bounds.

"Hey Faith, can you hear us?" Apparently my failed laugh got their attention.
"Can you open your eyes?"
I opened them to see the nurses crowded around me.  I licked my lips. For some reason they were dry.
"You guys know more about Matchstick than I do." I whispered. My throat was sore.
"The Monk of Lovelace." I explained.  That was probably a better name for him.  But he glared at anyone who suggested changing his road name.  The most popular one around the club was Inferno. 

"Is it really that small?" The blonde one at the back looked disappointed.
I went to laugh, and instead got hit with a stabbing pain.
"Careful,  you have three cracked ribs, and a broken pelvis.  They managed to stop the bleeding,  and luckily no organs were damaged. You got very lucky."

I breathed shallowly.
"No, don't do that. Breathe as deep as you can." The nurse corrected me. "And don't bother answering Jess."
I smiled this time.
"I wouldn't know anyway.  He's just a friend."
Jess threw her hands up and stalked away.
"The man's an enigma!"

The other nurse chuckled, her white teeth bright against her dark face.
"Don't you worry about Jess. Now Mr Lovelace has a friend with him who is calling himself your boyfriend.  Are they allowed to come with you to the ward?"

Memories ran through my head.  My finger trapped under the boot. His words after finding out Ellie was safe. 
"I don't know," I responded.
The nurse looked at me steadily.
"Something happened, didn't it?"
I nodded.
She continued unhooking me from the machines.
"We've got to get you onto the ward before the painkillers fade, but I'll tell you what.  I'll look after you tonight.  If he causes any trouble, I'll get him out of your room."
"Deal. Thanks"
She smiled as she flicked the stops off the wheels of the bed.
"I'm Jenè," she introduced herself as she started pushing me out towards the doors.
"Faith." I replied.
"I know" she chuckled as we hit the door.

Matchstick stood up as soon as the doors opened.  I saw Wings scrambling beside him.
"Close your eyes,  girl, look sicker. Don't say anything." Jenè hissed at me.
I tried to keep in the laugh,  and coughed, which caused pain to shoot through me.
"Faith,  Baby!" Wings voice was agonised. "What happened?"
"Let's just get her to her ward and I'll tell you." Jenè's calm voice floated above me. I felt a hand gently pushing me back into the bed and Matchstick telling me.
"Relax,  breathe carefully, let the pain ease, it will go."
"Thanks Mr Lovelace."

I took in a careful breath,  and as Matchstick said the pain started to fade. We were on the move,  and I slowly realised that my hand was being held. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see Wings beside me looking over my body in horror as he paced beside me.

"The wall fell on me." I said quietly as we crashed through another set of doors. " I was trapped,  I couldn't hear anything." Crash" then someone stood on my little finger."
"Yeah that's broken too." Jenè added, as she wheeled me into a room, and spun me around into place.

"Then that person stood on the stuff that was on top of me." I continued. Wings looked more anguished.
"Then Matchstick found me.  Matchstick saved me." I turned my head slowly to look for Matchstick, who returned my look. His face was clear of emotion,  but I thought I could see laughter in those eyes. He gave a quick wink as I felt Wings drop his head onto my hand.
"It's all part of the job, Faith." Matchstick replied. "It's the good part of the job when the people you save survive. I hope there was no one else there.  I could only find you."
I shook my head.
"Only me left,  I just locked up and was about to  walk home when, boom."

I held Matchstick's eyes as I asked my final question.
"Why me? Was I a target?"
"I don't know," he lied. His eyes told me yes though,  as did his slight nod.
A shiver ran through me.

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