•TAEYOUNG•(greet and meet)

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Our manager told us that we have our whole day tomorrow to ourselves and we can travel around in Toronto checking some stuff!

the whole group cheered but I saw Jesse Glared at the boys and they quickly settled down

"so it's about a girl.."

robaire looked at Taeyoung in shock this was their actual first time hearing him talk about a girl?

"OOHHHHH I didn't know our boy is growing up!"

my face grew flustered and I looked away..I was still thinking if I should continue to spill it out or not..what I'd they judge me for liking a fan girl that I just only meet?!

I saw Jesse Rub my back gently it's obvious he's ready to listen when I'm also ready. I took a deep breath and i-..

"so I like this girl I know I only saw her for the first time meet her for the first time and I don't even know her much And she's a fan girl I know it's so embarrassing huhu!"

I spoke very fast and I hid my face to the pillow..ready to hear them laugh at me but I when I peek my head they all looked..shock?

"Why are you embarrassed? that is just..normal? Look I know you may think it's Abit of embarrassing to like someone at first look..but Its okay"

I saw the boys nodded in agreement and slowly got comfortable about this topic as I sat up properly

"You don't need to be embarrassed, So who is this lucky girl huh?"

I saw Jesse smiled at me and I felt my face getting flustered of just how thinking Y/n..

"w-well her name is Y/n sh-shes soft spokening..very cute and I can notice she's nice girl..I even wrote my number to the T-shirt merch of 4 town that she wanted me to sign my autograph on.."

I saw how everyone listen carefully
they weren't making fun of me..they were listening really.

"I was wondering if you guys can help me out if she suddenly call?..I don't know how to talk to girls.. properly"

"Oh really? man imma be honest with you, You are so good with girls. Girls preferred you sometimes cause you are such a gentleman I'm sure she will like you and besides..it's obvious that she does like you"

robaire said as he looks at me up and down after his last word..

"well I mean because you're a kpop idol..that's why she would like you"

"THATS THE POINT! I don't want her to love me just because I have this status.."

I said as I plop back to the bed and I stared at the ceiling

"well..let's just hope that she would try to call you tonight hm?"

Jesse said and they got Back to their own bed well that just made me feel more conscious about my whole life

time skip.

it was now around 12 am..I was still awake still can't forgot those short moments with my bias!

I was still thinking about the number..I dialed the number..and thinking if I should call him?..I stared there for a couple of minutes but then I pressed it AH! i was nervous as heck.

I was still scrolling to my phone in Instagram seeing the tags and post About the Fan greet and meet.

when suddenly..an unknown caller id called me I got nervous and I woke up everyone


i panicked and I saw them waking up quickly look a bit annoyed but I didn't care they need to help me!

"om-..Oh Lord calm down Clam down just answer it quick"

I pressed the green button..I didn't spoke but then I heard a female voice..her voice.

"hello? is this Taeyoung's number?"

I looked at the boys beside me and they gave me a signal..

"hey what's up? I see you finally saw the number I wrote in the autograph"

I spoke causally..and I gues it was going great?

"hmm..yeah I actually saw it uh a few hours ago..but I was pretty skeptical about it..Why did you wrote your number?"


I didn't know what to say and I looked at my friends and they whisper to me something

"I founded you cute, I was wondering if we could..get to know each other more .."

"oh-..r-really?! i- I mean sure sure yes!"

I looked relieve and I spoke up again I was happy she said yes

"Tomorrow..me and the boys have our day to ourselves , We can go to the mall and ..just look around? at 8 am meet me at this hotel ****"

I said the location..I was happy so happy and the boys was already cheering quietly

"how is your evening by the way?"

I stood up as I slowly left the boys and talked to her on the balcony..The boys didn't mind atleast I was taking their advices..

"it was good..now that you called me, what about you?"

"also great, Im surprised you're still awake at this hour..I was about sleep though "

"no biggie we can end it here, I'll see you tomorrow goodnight "

"goodnight! See you!"

I felt so happy and I looked at the view of the city then decide to go to sleep also..what a day

when I got back inside, I saw the boys looking at me and I chuckled

"She's coming boys!"

they all cheered..they ere happy I was finally actually starting to like someone..

hey guys I am happy that I finally done the second part
I hope you guys enjoy it!
part 3 soon!
(Also not proof read)
have a good day everyone!

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