Ok... I believe that I am scarred for life... Nyx, would you please be oh so kind and banish what I just wittnessed from my mind?
Okay then. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts... Meeting Ava... Taking her flying for the first time... Me looking out of my magical hole... That guy- OH MY NYX! KALONA STOP THINKING!
So, you are probably wondering why I am scarred. Well then I shall tell you, but you will regret ever reading this!
I was just sitting here in my tree, like you do, when I herd a male voice mumbling about 'Aphrodite' and 'the bitch being a tease.' Now, as one would expect a very bored person to do, I looked out of my hole, and was able to see a guy sitting against the stone barrier that blocks my view of the world, slightly illuminated by the light reflected by the moon. He kept mumbling about this Aphrodite person being 'hot' and 'wanting to bang her even though they weren't together.' I was completely and utterly confused by the strange words that he was saying, so I kept watching him. Suddenly he appeared to have ripped open the front of his pants, and proceeded to.... Well, as he put it, 'blow off some steam.' If you understand what I am getting at, them you will understand that I immediatley ducked away from the hole and covered my ears with my hands trying the block out the noises that he was making.
I feel dirty! *shudder*