Child in the Group

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I smile. "Hello Clementine, I'm (Y/n), and this is Toby." I point towards Toby,who was still shaking from the encounter with the Witch. "I can't believe I didn't recognise that fricking Witch..." he trails off when he sees Clementine. He looks at me, and I see shock in his eyes. He looks back to Clementine, and smiles that huge smile of his. "Hello Clementine, do you mind if I call you Clem for short?" He says, looking at her as if she was the most adorable thing in the world. She nods. "Well Clem, we better introduce you to the rest of the group!" Toby says excitedly, taking her hand and leading her towards the others. I pretend to cough. He looks back at me, as if remembering that I was there. He scratches his head. "Actually Clem, why don't you stay with (Y/n) and I'll get the others?" He says, looking adoringly at Clem. She nods and runs over to me. Toby disappears into the staff room. Clem looks at my hair. "Hey, can I style your hair?" She asks cutely. Since I'm guessing she's bored, I nod. She squeals with delight and runs around me. I feel her taking strands of my (H/l) (H/c) hair and braiding them together. "Your hair's so pretty!" She says to me. I smile. "Thanks Clem, but your hair's nicer than mine!" She smiles and says, "It would of been longer if Lee didn't keep telling me to cut it..." She trails off. When she finishes the plait, she faces me. I take a mirror out of my bag that I found and look at my reflection. "Wow! It's really pretty! Thanks Clem," I say smiling. I put it away and finally notice that the boys were standing in the doorway of the Staff Room, staring in awe. I blush. "God Dammit, Clem and (Y/n), why do you gotta be so cute?" Pewds says happily. He stares at your hair. You blush and pull up your hood on your hoodie. He walks over to Clem and goes on his knees to reach her level. "Hello, do you mind if I call you Clemmie-Clue?" he says. She giggles and nods. "How did you get into this place?" Cry asks her. "I'll tell you everything." she promises, "But I'm kinda hungry first, can we get some food?" Cry shakes his head sadly, "Sorry Clem, but we have none, and we already searched this place." She giggles again and replies, "It's okay, I hid food where I was hiding in case anyone tried to take it, but I trust you guys." She leads us into the girl's bathrooms, the only room that has a working light. She turns it on and heads for the stall at the very end. She disappears for a moment, then comes back with a tin of canned peaches. We stare at her in amazement. I go to the stall she went in and see nothing. "Oh, I hid it," She says, her voice coming from behind. She skips into my view and seems to be counting the tiles on the wall. "Uh, Clementine?" I ask her puzzledly, but she just hushes me. When she got to the tile that was 5 down and 5 across, she removes it to reveal a narrow tunnel in the wall. I walk closer and see a whole stash of food, hidden away in the wall. She reaches into the hole and takes a can opener. She opens the can and offers it to me. "Hungry?" she says giggling. Wow, does she ever stop giggling? I timidly reach out and take out a peach. She takes one out after me. They were the kind you'd have for dessert. I suck on it, enjoying the fruity syrup that was dripping off the peach. "Wow Clemmie-Clue, you're pretty smart!" Pewds says, patting her head. "It wasn't me, it was......Lee." She says, chewing on the peach. I think she was deciding to tell us or not about Lee. "Who's Lee?" I say gently, trying to show her it's okay to tell us. She swallows the peach and says, "Lee was my friend. When all the monsters, which we called walkers, came out, I lost my parents. They told me to go to the girl bathrooms if I lose them so I did. That's when I met Lee." she pauses, then continues, "I met him in the stall. He told me that he had to hide the food incase anyone tried to eat it because it was valuable. He told me he would help me find my parents. We looked everywhere for them. He taught me how to use a gun and he told me to cut my hair incase a walker could grab it. We did find my parents eventually, but they were walkers. Then he told me he got bit and he wanted me to be safe. So I shot him so he wouldn't be a walker." Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I met other people, but I left them. I found an axe so I used it to break the door open. I've been hiding in here since. I heard you guys come in, and I thought you were bad guys. The "Witch", she wasn't always one. I saw her go into the staff room. I didn't go in there before because I was running low on ammo and I didn't want any more walkers to come. I heard screams for hours and then it stopped." Pewds hugs her. "It's okay, Clemmie Clue, you can go with us now!" he says happily. "We will leave the food here and only come back if we need to!" Clem looks up at Pewds and smiles. "Do you know another way out Clem?" I ask her sweetly. She points towards the Staff Room. " I know that there is a wide vent we could crawl through in there, but Lee hid it ages ago, so I don't remember where it is." "It's okay Clem, we'll find it." Cry says. His mask was above his mouth so I could see a confident smile on his face. We all walk into the Staff Room. We search everywhere, but no sign of a way out. "Okay, now we get to tear the place apart looking for a way out! Yay!" Toby says jokingly. Clem laughs and starts pulling boxes out of their places. I laugh too and head over to a high shelf. I try to pull it away from the wall but I'm not strong enough. "Here, let me help." A voice comes from behind me. Pewds arms go over my head and unlatches a latch I didn't notice from the wall. "They put latches on shelves all the time to the walls because it stops them from falling over," Pewds smiles at me. I blush from embarrassment and smile back. "Well, I'm probably more stupid than you, so yeah!" I say back, sticking my tongue out. "Yo Guys! Why don't you stop badly flirting with each other and help us with this shelf? We can see the vent behind it!" Toby shouts to us. We both blush and hurry over to the group. Like Toby said, we could see a huge shelf with a crack in the middle of it. Behind the crack we could see a wide tunnel. "Well, maybe if you removed the latches that would help!" I smirk, stealing Pewd's fact. He pouts. "Hey I told you that!" I laugh. I undo the latch and with help from everyone including Clementine we were able to pull the heavy shelf away from the vent. Cry gestures towards the vent and says, "Ladies First!" I sigh, pretending to be annoyed. "Fine, fine." I go down on my hands and knees and peer down the vent. "But it's dark!" I say, pretending to be scared. "I have a torch!" Clem says, handing it to me. I thank her. "Well, here goes nothing."

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