New Friends, New Enemies

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It took me about 2 weeks to get better. Not completely, but enough so I can run around and train. It was kinda cool. It was split into four different groups; Pewds taught everyone how to use different weapons; Cry taught us how to take care of injured and how to fix up different injuries; Stephano taught us about the game characters and their weaknesses, who is and isn't friendly and I taught them how to do camoflage, be sneaky and hand-to-hand combat. Right now I'm with Pewds, who's teaching me how to use a gun. I throw it onto the ground with frustration after trying to get it to work for the sixth time. "I can't do it Pewds! I don't know how to use a gun!" I yell at him. Instead of losing patience, he picks up the gun and calmly asks, "(Y/n), have you ever played, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, those types of games?" I nod. Rarely I would play them, but Shawn would always beg me to play with him. "Well, close your eyes. Pretend you have a controller in your hand instead. I found this weird thing. If you concentrate hard enough, it will feel like it's after turning into a controller. Like we're still in the game." He hands me the gun again. I sigh, but take it from him. I close my eyes and pretend I'm playing CoD at home with Shawn. Suddenly, it doesn't feel like a gun anymore. It feels like a Xbox controller. In my mind, I could see Pewds in front of me, and the bottle we were using as a target. I exhale, and press the buttons on the controller.Bang. Bang. Bang! "You did it (Y/n)!" Pewds shouts, hugging me tightly. I open my eyes to see glass shards everywhere and the gun in my hand. "How?.." I ask, but he hushes me. "Don't question it. Just go with the flow!" he makes flowing movements with his arms and I laugh. The breakfast bell goes off. "Thanks Pewds for the extra help this morning, I really appreciate it," I says, hugging Pewds again. He blushes and says jokingly, "No problem (Y/n), just don't expect me to wake up every morning at five just to give you extra help!" We laugh and make our way over to Jamie. For breakfast today we are having croissants. "Merci!" I say to Jamie, smiling. Jamie, back to his joking ways, says, "Anything for a beautiful french girl, Mademoiselle." I blush. I don't notice but Pewds gives a death glare to Jamie. He winks at Pewds. "I'd be quick Pewds, you don't want me stealing her away from you!" This makes me laugh and accidentally choke on my croissant. A pair of golden arms wrap around my stomach and squeezes me until the chunk of food pops out of my mouth and conveniently into the fire. "Thanks Stephano," I say, drinking some water. He smiles. " No problem Mademoiselle." This usually happens. Jamie says something flirty to annoy Pewds which makes me either choke or laugh and trip which Stephano always shows up in time to catch me or stop me from choking. It's fine though. "When do you have your next class?" Stephano asks. "Well, I'm not teaching for the next hour, so I might join in on Cry's group, since I really need to learn how to emergency stitch," I say thoughtfully. "I heard my name?" Cry says, walking over to us while chewing absentmindedly eating his croissant. I put on my most serious face and say, "Yeah, Pewds was just bitching about you and wondering why I seem to prefer you over him." I say, shrugging. Pewds makes a face at me so funny I lose all seriousness. "Well, of course. I am the more handsomer one. He's just Jellaaay," He says, trying to make a seductive face but failing. Let's just say he looked constipated. Or maybe like I burst out laughing and receive stares from everyone in the room. "I was joking. I was just saying that I might join in on your next group if that's okay?" I say to Cry, putting on my puppy eyes. He pats my head. "Awh, you know I can't refuse your puppy eyes," he says, smiling. "Yes!" I say. I finish my croissant and tell everyone, "I'm just going to see what Shawn's doing, see you soon," I say before walking towards our tent. "Hey Shawn, you awake?" I say, waiting outside for an answer. In reply he makes a moaning noise. I laugh, entering the tent. "What group do you have next?" I ask him. He throws on a t-shirt and replies, "I have Stephano next, but I think I'm in your group afterwards," he says. He looks up. "Did I miss breakfast?" I laugh. "If you're quick enough, you'd probably make it before they run out of croissants." He puts on his shoes and rushes out of the tent. "Thanks sis!" I laugh and grab my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I leave the tent and head for David's. I peek into his tent. I see him tying his shoelaces. I walk in. "Hey, David, I heard you're doing the med group next?" He looks up. "Yeah, are you?" I nod, smiling. "C'mon, I'll walk with you to the clearing." We walk there in a comfortable silence. When we get there, there are a few Cry fangirls and a handful of other people. I better warn Cry. Those fangirls look suspicious. Surprisingly, quite a few fangirls somehow made it out alive. And, knowing fangirls, freaked out when they saw Pewds, Cry and Toby. Cry nearly lost his mask last time. And I'm certain I heard the in their tents making a plan to get Cry's mask. Before I can go over to them though, Cry walks in. I walk over to him. "Hey Cry, can I talk to you for a second?" In the corner of my eye I can see the fangirls glancing at me and gossiping. Great. Cry smiles at me. "Yeah sure, over here." He walks over to a place where we can't be overheard. I lean towards his ear and whisper, "Those fangirls are up to something." I could still see the fangirls staring daggers at me. Cry bursts out laughing. "Okay, I'll be on my guard." I laugh with him. "They're getting jealous. I can see them staring at me." I laugh again. Cry smiles deviously. "Then I'll do something that will make them jealous even more." Before I can ask him what he meant, he leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. I could feel myself go pink. Cry takes my hand and leads me back to the group. I could see the fangirls are going to faint any minute. I laugh quietly. "Hey (Y/n) can you help me hand out the cloth, needles and thread?" Cry asks me. "So long as I don't have to give it to the fangirls!" I say, laughing. Cry glances at them and sees the state they're in. "Yeah, good idea!" he says laughing. He hands me the materials and I go around, handing them out. In my head I try to remember their names. The old lady's Mags, the 14 year old girl is Ellie, her friend is Joel- They're both food suppliers, along with me, Cry, Pewds,Stephano and a guy called Glen- and the fangirls, which I avoid. Cry claps his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Okay, so I'm going to show you how to do emergency stitching. It's quite useful if you or your ally has a bad wound that can not be treated at that moment." He gets us to gather around him while he shows us what to do. Then he sends us off to practice. I grab my stool, plonk down and get to work. I'm quietly stitching until a pair of arms wrap around from behind me and take the needle from my hands. "You did it wrong. See, you're supposed to do it like this." Cry's calming voice comes from behind. I just nod shyly, realising how close his face was to mine. He undos my stitches and re-corrects them. He hands me back my work and I blush like crazy. "Um, thanks Cry," I say. He laughs and walks away. I continue to stitch quietly. I look up to see one fangirl waving her hand in the air to get Cry's attention, but he's either blind or ignoring her. "Yo Cry!" I shout. He looks up at me, waving. I point to the fangirl. He nods and gives me the thumbs up and makes his way over to the girl. I go back to my work. After five minutes, I hear a coughing coming from behind me. I turn around to see the three fangirls. Great. I gulp. "Um, can I help you?" I say politely. The blonde one steps forward. "Why yes, you can help us. But first let me introduce myself. I am Khloe, leader of the Cryaotic Fan Club. The red-haired girl here is Cait, but call her Kate. It's an-" "Irish name," I finish her sentence for her.. Cait looks at me surprised. "How did you know?" she asks timidly. "I'm irish too.Nice to meet you." I say, sticking my hand out to shake. Cait shakes hands with me, but Khloe and the brunette cough and continue, "And the brunette here is called Ashley, you can call her Ash." I nod. Khloe clears her throat. "We just wanted to ask if Cryaotic is your boyfriend." With that question, I burst out into fits of laughter. I see Cry look over to me and chuckle. "No, no. We're just friends." I say, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. "Well good because you can't touch him. How is he even friends with you? You're just an average girl, not even a Youtuber. If that can happen to you why not us?" Khloe says in a disgusted voice. I send a look of disgust back at her. " I made friends with Cry and Pewds and Toby in the game! You can't tell me who to be friends with!" I say, sounding meaner than I intended to. "Well you can't go near him, because he's OURS! And how DARE you call him Cry, how disrespectful!" Khloe says, her voice rising and rising until it becomes a shout. I stand up. "Excuse me, you can't tell me what to do with my friends!" I shout back. Cry rushes over. "Ladies! Calm down!" He says putting a reassuring hand onto my shoulder. Khloe huffs. "Oh, Mister Cryaotic, this girl started harassing me! Telling me that you're hers, and that we can't be here, when all I wanted to do was learn about emergency stitching!" she sighs. "Please throw her out so we can continue with our lesson!" I can't believe this. If Cry actually believes this- "Okay, calm down. I will make sure you both don't bother each other again." he turns to me. "(Y/n), can you take your stool and put it beside mine? You can sit beside me for the rest of the class." I nod, smiling. The fangirls look like they'll faint. Ash starts to protest. "But Mister Cryaotic, Khloe isn't very good. Maybe if she was to sit beside you you could show her how to do it?" Cry shakes his head. "No, no. I need to keep an eye on this troublemaker." he says, smiling. He glances towards me and winks. I smile. I look at them innocently. "Yes, we don't want me getting into any trouble, do we?"

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