Get Loose!! - Act 1

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An original spin-off story written by Luminous101.

Based upon Fractured, created by no_namerson & Streetfall, created by AG-Starlet, co-written by Luminous101.

Tick.. Tick... Tick.

"Don't You Want a Rematch?"

O' lonesome head, you remember it all. You are but an observant outcast vault, full of spite to those who had condemned us.

That is who you are, O' lonesome head. You never really ever forget, do you? It's why this incessant memory never ceases to reappear.

Searing scorching retribution, accompanied by a silencing sight. Sinking, contracting flesh fleeing from heat, ultimately enforced in an ensemble of torture.

The muscles played together in sync through violent vulgar spasms, as a chorus of nerves sang their swan song. Hysteria, my suffocating savior strung along my consciousness, I could no longer feel the pain. I couldn't feel anything.

It was then, during my final fleeting breath did I realize how much of a miserable mistake my existence was.

O' lonesome head, whose trepidations stir about the undeniable truth, what is your grounds for a countenance fraught by anguish?

For sin is a deliberate debt. Salvation for any man who attempts to take the life of another is destined as damnation.

. . .

As if any of that matters now. I can't move, I can't breathe, and it's not like I can do anything about it. This veil of darkness is never ending. A far stretching space where the end is my consciousness corroding to insanity. 


 I'm stuck inside my head, only capable of rethinking those last few moments and practicing poetry forever. And it's all because of those bastards! 

.. I'll never forget any of those three, and the ugly mugs they had. If they were in front of me now I swear I'd-

"What what!! You'd do what?! Say say say!!!"


"Woaahh there silly! You're okay.. See? Open your eyes Jason, It's time to wake up!"

You've gotta be kidding me. My eyes? I had died dumbass!- Ghh..?

The young man then suddenly experienced an involuntary wake up call. His eyes began to flutter, slowly adjusting to a gleaming light from the ceiling.

He was a tired looking young fellow. One with light curly, white hair and bangs that'd covered his right eye. With a feeble build and average stature, he'd be considered simply ordinary.

His mouth had fallen agape, slowly raising his hands to the newfound light raised above his head.

I- I.. I can't- I'm free..? Wh- What... This? How is this even possible?!

Jason trembled. Not from fear, at least, not at first. But the overwhelming realization that the universe had given him a second chance to make amends for his crimes against humanity.

I never really believed in a "God", but whoever you are. T-Thank you.. I can't believe this. I'm just so.. happy.

His tired hands slowly fell onto his skin. Steadily, each finger began to pull back the same exhausted face he once lost. Unknowingly clawing each digit into his cheeks as a cascade of smoldering salty tears trickled down.

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