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Your Point of View


I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I was woken up by the front doors opening and loud talking filled the quiet halls of the manor. My ears twitched and I shifted under the covers on my bed, I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still fully under the covers, I lift myself up making the covers slide off of me. I stretch and let out a yawn before sliding off the the bed.

I slipped on my slippers and dragged my feet to where all of the commotion was. I rubbed my eyes as I entered the living room where everyone was, RWBY was all sitting on the couch, Summer was sitting on one of the chairs, and Kali was setting out drinks and snacks for everyone.

Ruby: "And the team that wins will go into remnant!" She said excitedly.

Weiss: "You act like we don't sneak out from school grounds all the time.." Weiss said with a sigh as she picked up her tea cup.

Blake: "Actually, where we can go is actually part of school grounds, Remnant is actually a couple of hours from here." Blake corrected as she took a cookie from the try.

I wandered in and flopped my body on top of Summer's lap, I felt her hand stroke my hair as the group continued to talk.

Summer: "Tell me, when is this going to take place?"

Ruby: "Next month, and since Professor Ozpin came and to announce this in person, I'm guessing that the venue has already been chosen." Ruby said thoughtfully.

"There is an arena on the south side of the campus, large enough to fit the entire student population and then some.." I mumble as I rolled onto my side and opened up one of my eyes to see everyone looking at me.

"What? I like to snoop." I say as I lift up my hands slightly which made Summer laugh.

Summer: "That is true, you were always the type to stick your nose in other people's business."

I let out a slight groan as I bury my face in her lap, my tail swaying in the air slightly.

Summer: "So, tell me more about the tournament?" She asked.

Ruby: "There will be twenty teams competing, and it will be taking part during our break."

I lifted my head up, "Well that's no fun.." I mumble as I rest my chin on the armrest of the chair.

Run=by: "What do you mean? Battling it out is so much fun!" Ruby exclaims.

I stare at her for a moment as I drape my arms on the same armrest.

"You're acting like Summer when she was younger..." I say as I let out a slgiht yawn, "She was always gung-ho about fighting, I don't understand what the hype is about.." I say.

I was then picked up by Kali and she held held me in her arms, my arms and legs dangling in the air. I feel like a stray cat, this feels embarrassing. My ear twitched as I sat there, I hear her chuckle as I sat down on Kali's lap as she pet my ears.

Summer: "Are you participating Luna?" Summer asked as she looked at me.

I shook my head, "No... Seems like too much work.." I say.

Summer: "Figured that was going to be your answer." She said while putting her chin in her hand. "You were never the type to fight or come to violence.  You're more of a sloth than a fox."

"I'll take it as a compliment." I say as I curl up on Kali's lap.

We continued to talk about the tournament for a couple of more minutes when Pyrrah walked in with a small bag.

Pyrrah: "Hello everyone."

Ruby: "Pyrrah, is your team also participating in the tournament?" Ruby asked as she hung off of the back of the couch.

Pyrrah: "We are, but I don't think we have a chance at winning to say the least." She said with a nervous smile on her face.

Weiss: "I think you would win." Weiss said as she put her tea cup down.

Pyrrah: "You're very kind, but I don't think my team has the same teamwork and choreography like the four of you do."

Yang: "That's cause we're awesome." Yang said as she put on her sun glasses.

Weiss: "Okay, easy there..." Weiss commented as she rolled her eyes.

Pyrrah: "But what about you guys, are you participating?" She asked.

Yang: "Yeah we are, Luna isn't participating though." Yang said as she man spread her legs and draped her arms on the back of her couch.

Pyrrah: "I'm not surprised, She doesn't seems the type to gamble on things that doesn't get results." she says as she puts the bag on the coffee table.

Summer: "That is actually true, I think that's why I had to drag her to do jobs back then..." Summer contemplated as she put her hands on the back of her head.

Kali: "I was perfectly fine with her just being by my side." Kali say happily as she continued to pat my head.

Summer: "You're always so calm and collected, arn't you?" She asked.

Blake: "Mother was never really a person that would participate in violence for entertainment. And I have a feeling that is where Luna's attitude with violence comes from." Blake said as she was nibbling on another cookie.

Summer: "That makes since, even though they're fiends for action films." Summer commented as she leaned back in the chair.

"I thought we were talking about the tournament coming up, not the fact that I a raging hypocrite..." I say in a slightly annoyed and amused tone.

Ruby: "Right! We should train!" Ruby exclaims as she jumped off of the couch.

Weiss: "I don't think that would be a good idea a month before the competition..." Weiss said in a concerned tone.

Sumer: "I think it's a great idea." She say which made everyone look over at me.

"What?" I said in a confused tone.

Summer: "You and training doesn't really go together..." Summer said in a unconvincing tone.

"I said that it would be a good idea if they started to train, not me..." I corrected as I rolled my eyes and rested my head back onto the armrest. "You're crazy if you think if I'm doing some training..." I mumble as my tail swayed on Kali's lap.

Summer: "Yeah, that was more of what I was looking for."

I just blew my bangs out of my face as I looked back at the red riding hood that was continuing to talk.

Ruby: "It wouldn't be all bad, we could get stronger before the tournament, and we might have a better chance at winning too!"

Weiss: "I hate that you can be right sometimes.." Weiss sighed.

Summer: "And Luna can help." Summers said smugly.

I lifted up my head, I wasn't informed of this. I looked over at Summer to see a smug look on my face. Ohhh.. so that is what we're doing.

"Fine, I'll help with your training." I say sitting up on Kali's lap.

Ruby: "Really??" Ruby exclaimed.

Summer: "Really...?" Summer said concerningly.

"Of course, I don't disappoint." I say as I nodded my head before going back to my previous sitting position. "Just tell me when and I'll be there..." I say in a less enthusiastic tone and I had gotten comfortable.

Ruby: "What about you Pyrrah? Will you and your team going to train?" Ruby asked.

Pyrrah: "Indeed, this will be a good opportunity for us to get some training in." She said with a nod.

Summer: "Hey, Snow, you know that I was only kidding on helping the kids with training..." Summer said in a concerned voice.

"I did yes, but I ultimately decided to take up on the offer, it would be good exercise." I responded.

I look over at the corner of my eye to see Summer's anxious look on her face, I gave her a smug look before going back to listening the the conversation.

The Fox Of Remnant RWBY futa harem x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now