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-Elle May-
I wish there was a dating site called Build a Boyfriend. Easy way to get in touch with single males who could be close to perfection. Anyway to get you out of that curiosity, no I haven't been dumped. I mean how does a single lady get dumped? Good question, you don't. I've been taking some time off blogging to persue my dream of having a published book. The idea of having a story written by me in libraries just makes my body tingle! I know the ladies won't like it but its called "Understanding Females". Wait till its done, i'm sure three quarters of the male species are gonna love it!

Noelle stared at her post before she posted it. She felt it was accurate. In Noelle's vocabulary, accurate meant real and truthful not a-bunch-of-swear-words-that-teens-feel-are-appropriate. She felt she was different. Different from other girls. And maybe that's why most guys didn't stay with her.

Noelle glared at her watch for a few minutes while thinking. "Oh shoot! I'm late!" She exclaimed as she ran out of her room. Her mother had already left for work and Troy was nowhere to be seen. "Probably at Gina's house again" Noelle thought.

Gina happened to be Troy's girlfriend. She was older than him by two years but he didn't care. Regina (her full name) came from a wealthy family and she was treated like a princess. Everything she wanted she got, including Troy.

Noelle's school wasn't far from where she lived so she walked there everyday. Some days with Troy and some days with Terrnace but most of the time, alone.

It gave her more time to think or "fix her life" as she called it. Walking to school helped her move on with Terrance after the Nancy incident. But it didn't help her get over Bradley.

I miss his jokes, his laughs, the sound of his voice. He was so perfect and I probably will never ever find a guy like him again.

"Snap out of it!" She said. "I don't love Bradley anymore. He is nothing but a friend. We never hap-"
"...happened. Good Morning Ella" a voice greeted from behind.

"Oh not the pretty boy again" Noelle thought.

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