Chapter 5

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One by one Harry introduced me to each of his scary looking friends, I just nodded and clutched Harry's arm, he tried several times to soothe me but It wasn't much help, I was getting more terrified by the minuet and Harry was getting frustrated

"Louis" he hissed holding me in front of him, I gasped and looked away

"Louis" he added in a bit more caring tone

"I'm scared, can we please just go" I begged

"Fine" he spat, we made our way down to the back of the large building

"First, dance with me" Harry ordered

"Ok" I said nodding as he led my into the crowd if dancing bodies,

as soon as he was happy with where we where standing he circled me and grabbed my hips from behind, I shook at the contact, he moved closer so his crotch was pressed to my backside, and my back was against his chest

"Just relax" Harry whispered, I tried really hard to obey that,

After a few short minuets I had fallen into step with the music, Harry began to roll his hips and grind my backside, I shuddered at the jolt of pleasure that harry caused me, without thinking I reached my hands down to entwine with Harry's, he loosened his grip on my hips for a moment to properly allow my fingers to fall between his then returned to grinding me, I groaned his name as another jolt of pleasure shot through me, I could feel lust taking over

"Still want to leave?" Harry whispered while he nibbled on my ear, everything in my mind was screaming at me to say yes, but honestly, i didn't want to leave, at all.


"What do you want me to do?" He asked and thrusted his hips forward

"T-touch me" I stuttered, I knew that was the awnser he was looking for

"Good boy Louis" he chuckled rolling his hips roughly against mine again

"More" I forced through clenched teeth, deep in my mind I knew I wanted this so so much but I managed to convince myself I was just experimenting

"Getting horny there babe"

"Shut up and grind me" I hissed,

he mumbled sweet nothing's into my ear and continued to roll his hips against my arse, the pleasure was kinda scaring me, I had to stop this now, I pushed away from Harry and turned to look at him

"Come here" he said gripping my wrists and tugged me forward so our chests where pressed together, he began to slowly thrust his crotch into mine, I felt my pants grow tighter and even more lust pump through my veins.

"Stop Harry, I'm not ready for this ok, I'm not ready to sleep with you" I mumbled into his ear

"I will be gentle, at the start"

"Harry" I chocked, he let out a defeated sigh and pulled away from my trembling body

"Did I scare you?"

"Let's just go!" I begged


"Your place"

An evil smirk crossed his face, I slowly swallowed. Harry grabbed one of my hands again and tugged me through the crowd to what seemed like a back door, I followed him through and out onto an ally, i gripped his hand tighter

"Well well" someone chuckled, Harry and me automatically jumped around to see zayn walking towards us, he didn't look exactly happy

"Oh is tomlingay your new toy styles, cute" he sneered

"Get lost zayn" Harry spat

"Ya nope"

"Louis, get behind me" Harry ordered and released me

"Oh your protecting him?"

"Bring it, Malik" Harry hissed

Before I could think about what was happening the two boys where battling it our, Harry kicked zayn 2 times in the gut and pushed him to the side, zayn wasn't as badly hurt as I expected, he swung his right hand up and punched Harry in the face twice then right in the middle of his stomach

"HARRY!!" Someone screamed out, I turned to see Harry's friend ed, I think his last name was Sheehan? Bolt out of the club and race towards the fight, I let out a choked sob

"Stand back zayn" ed snapped and stood between the two already injured boys

"Whatever! Watch out Tomlinson, your next" zayn hissed and pointed at me, I shuddered and stepped even further back. And with that zayn bolted away, I looked over at ed who was crouched over Harry's injured body, oh no!!!

I bolted forwards and fell to my knees infront of Harry. I slowly cupped his chin and lifted his head so he was looking at me, as soon as I saw the injuries I dropped one of my hands from his face and used it to cover my mouth. I squeezed my eyes closed and let a few small tears fall from my eyes, this was my fault! If I wasn't such a pussy we would still be in that club and harry would be safe, it's all my fault. I chocked out a sob and let more tears fall. Suddenly I felt icy fingers on my cheek, Harry, I sobbed again. He cupped my face and slowly ran his thumb over my cheek

"Louis, we need to get Harry home" ed said

"I will drive him there and stay with him, just let him get back his breath, if he stands up now he will pass out" I muttered

"Ok, call for me if you need help" ed said and jogged back Inside

"Louis" Harry mumbled, I slowly opened my teary eyes to look at him

"Yeah?" I sniffed

"This is not your fault"

"Yeah it is"

"Shhhh" he mumbled and pressed his bloody lips to mine for a brief moment

And in that moment I realised, under all his bad boy behaviour there was a real boy, a real 19 year old teenage boy, with real emotions. and somehow I was gonna get there, I am going to teach Harry how to feel again, I can tell he is trying to care about me, but it only lasts for a minuet, them he goes back to being scary as fuck! But I know there's a wonderful person under this, a person I was going to find

I was going to teach him how to love again.

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