Chapter 17

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"Get up louis!" Harry yelled, I jumped causing my head to whack the roof of the car and made m fall out of the open boot and onto the solid ground

"Owww!" I yelped


"I-I'm fine" I stuttered as I held my throbbing head and grumbly stood up

"Good, get here" he ordered, I jogged over to him, he was sitting on the front of the car and looking at a map and his phone

"Yeah?" I grumbled and pressed my palm harder onto my head

"We need to get out of here, I got a text from zayn saying he's coming for us, I have found a way to get to Dublin in half the time" he explained

"Ok" I nodded

"Can I go wash my face?"

"Yeah, there a creak about 100 meters that way, yell if you need me ok? I'm gonna pack up" Harry ordered and kissed my forehead, I nodded again and made my way down the track

I kicked stones and shoved my hands in my pockets, I couldn't see the car anymore cause this creek was at the bottom of a hill, but I was trying not to think about that. I wonder why Harry decided to care lately? Does he seriously want to take care of me? I knew damn right that I couldn't exactly trust him. His mood changed so frequently and quickly, he went from the scariest person in the world to my protector, why did he want to protect me? I guess it is kinda his fault that zayn's after me anyway!

I finally reached the creek and fell to my knees and cupped my hands in the water then splashed it In my face, it was surprisingly cold but refreshing, I did that a few times then stood up and turned around, I came face to face with a tree, I saw the tree before when I sat down but it didn't have marks on it, I gasped as I read the fresh mark

'Hello tomlingay'

I screamed and took off in the opposite direction which caused me to fall into the shallow creek, I stood up and span around to try and see anyone, that mark wasn't there when I got here so sometime must be here

"LOUIS!!!" I heard Harry yelled, I span again to see him sprinting towards me

"Stop!!!" I yelped, he skidded to a stop and looked at me with a confused look

"Zayn. He's here" I chocked

"Louis, come to me, quickly" Harry barked, I nodded and ran over to the tall boy, he instantly grabbed my hand and looked around with a look that could kill. Suddenly a twig snapped a short distance away

"RUN!!" Harry screamed, guns automatically fired. we both jumped Into action and ran as fast as we could towards the car, but it wasn't fast enough. i bullet clipped my calf, tearing through my jeans. i sucked in a breath and tried to ignore the unbelievable pain. Once we where in he floored it and the car jolted forward in alarming speeds, before I could catch my breath we where back onto the road and speeding away, after about 20 minuets of speeding and car dogging Harry slowed to a normal speed, I gripped the seat and tried to calm myself. The cut in my thigh was burning

"Harry" I choked

"Not now Louis!" He barked

"H-Harry" I mumbled. The pain was making my vision blur and my head spin

"What?! I'm kinda busy trying to save your arse!"

I was to dizzy to reply



"I-I.......shot-t........le-eg" I slurred

"FUCK!!" Harry screamed as he noticed what I meant

"Are you ok? Stay with me baby! We're almost at Niall's"


"Ok, shhh boo" he cooed and sped up

We finally reached Niall's, Harry jumped out of the car and ran over to my side, picking my limp body up and ran towards Niall's door, threw it open and ran in

"Styles?!" Niall barked

"Help me!!!" Harry cried


"Zayn shot him!!!"

"Fuck, quick! Into the room at the end of the hall, I'll get a medical kit" Niall ordered, Harry obeyed and carried me through, until everything went fuzzy.........


I grumbled and slowly opened my heavy eyelids, harry was sat on the end of the bed with his back to me and his head in his hands. He was tugging violently at his curls and muttering something, I tried to hold open my eyes, which was proving to be harder than I thought. Oh shit. My leg, I managed to look Down and see I was in just boxers. My wound was tightly wound up and was hurting alot less, I'm guessing I black out. I took my focus back to Harry, he was trembling slightly. I can't imagine how bad he felt, he thinks he has to protect me, so I can't imagine how terrible how he felt about me getting shot. I had to comfort him, I tried to reach forward but my hand fell limp, how many pain killers did they give me?

"H-Harry-y......" I choked

he flung himself around an looked at me, his eyes where puffy and red and his hair was a tousled mess

"Oh fuck" he mumbled and threw himself at me, pulling my up into his arms and kissed my neck roughly


"Your never leaving my side again, I should of never let you go to that creek alone"

"I'm not 3 Harry" I mumbled as I began to gain strength

"Your staying with me and that final!" He yelled and bit down harder on my neck

"I'm going to kill zayn" he added


"No louis, he will pay for hurting you" he barked and gripped my hips, I shuddered as his tongue traced over my collarbone

"It hurts" I choked as a sizzling pain pinched at my calf

"Don't think about it" Harry mumbled and kissed up my neck to my jaw

"I'm trying"

"Try harder" he chuckled and ran his wandering fingers down my chest making goose bumps appear on my skin. I mumbled and he returned to kissing my sore neck

"I'm going to shower" he moaned and removed his lips from my skin


"Don't go anywhere" he chuckled

I won't, trust me..........

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