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(Timeline: month 1 of school, 9/23-9/27/2024)


I got to school and watched a guy flip off a car...odd.
  I went to go find my friends and Waited, I had History in the morning and then Visual Arts with Ari and Alice, Ari wasn't
here today because of car troubles I guess? Mia got here late.   and there were cops/Private security, and the guy was gone.
  Alice got there later as usual, and no eyes(eyeshadow) because she got there in the middle of class and didn't have time to do them. Alice forgot what class she had next and I had to tell her.
  We sat together in Visual arts and yapped away while still doing art. She started to not feel good and fell onto my shoulder for a second and got up. She went home early that day.

( She bit me on Wednesday on the arm, its ok cause I smacked her on the head after. )

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