🩷 Dee x Sid 🩷

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The was requested by the one and only NOTEBOOKZZZZ ! I feel like this is an adorable ship, and it would totally work!!! Also, this is my second time writing angst, so idk how good this will be, lol 😅

Sid's POV

I slammed the door shut, tears stinging my corners of my eyes. Dee, in love with Monique?! That couldn't be right. I wanted to say something, do something, but Dee looked so happy with her. I couldn't get in the way of that. I wiped my eyes and stood up. No use dwelling on it.
I walked into the living room and turned the dial on the television. I sat down in the couch, watching no whatever junk TV show was on.
     About an hour later, Dee walked in. "Hi, Sid. What are you watching?" He asked, sitting next to me.
"I actually have no idea," I replied. We laughed and chatted about our day. Apparently, Dee and Monique had spent the day out, going to cafés and such. I wanted to roll my eyes every time I heard Monique's name, but I had to keep it together, for Dee's sake. "Sid, are you okay?" Dee asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. My heartbeat sky rocketed and I jumped to my feet. "Y-yeah, uh, I'm just going to make some, uh, tea! Yeah, tea." I stuttered as I stumbled into the kitchen. My mind was screaming at me. Why was I being so weird?

     Two hours later, I was lying in my bed staring into the blue (FROM THE START 😝😝). My arms were under my head, and the light from my candle burned on the coffee table beside me. A knock came from the door, and Dee came in.
"Cut the act. What's going on with you?!" Dee interrupted. He seemed genuinely concerned. "You barely talk to me anymore!"
"Me?" I asked, mad. "You're all wrapped up in dating Monique that you barely talk to me!" Real tears spring to my eyes now. Dee looked at me with disappointment on his face. I had messed up.
"I don't even know you anymore, Sid! We were fine before Monique came into the picture—wait." Dee paused, the realization settling in. "You're jealous of me and Monique, aren't you? This is low. Like, real low. I mean, I can't—"
I don't really remember what possessed me to do what happened next, but I guess I did it out of blind rage, or something.
I grabbed Dee's collar, and kissed him. Straight on the lips. I released him and we stood there shocked.
"I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to happen." I blushed and stepped back, sitting on the bed. I turned away in shame.
Suddenly, Dee turning my head and kissed me. I was shocked for a moment, but then I finally kissed him back. I didn't want this feeling to end, the feeling of completeness, but all good things come to and end, don't they?
     "I... I don't really love Monique." Dee whispered, breaking the silence. "You just never showed an interest in me, and... I thought I could move on. But I guess I couldn't." I smiled and ruffled his hair, like old times.
     "Neither could I, as you can tell. I still shouldn't have, uhm, kissed you though. You still have a girlfriend."
"I'm going to break up with her. I like you."
I blushed and glanced away for a moment, then looked back at Dee. We kissed once again, and I felt everything would be just fine (foreshadowing??????).

(592 words)

This is kind of a short chapter, but school has been crazy (I've literally had 5 tests and I started aug 13) and I've barely had enough time to get these out unless I wanted to stay up till 12am. I hope this chapter was okay, though!

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