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Usually, during the full moon, the Red Moon Pack gathered for a grand celebration. The forest came alive with sounds of joy and the sight of wolves dancing under the moonlight. Wolves
shifted effortlessly between their human and wolf forms, embracing the freedom that the night offered.

Bonfires blazed high, casting flickering shadows on the trees as the pack feasted on the finest meats hunted just hours before. The air was filled with the scent of roasted game, mingled with the earthiness of the forest floor.

Children darted between the adults, playing games of chase, while the elders sat by the fire, sharing stories of battles fought and victories won. Music played on handmade instruments, echoed through the night, and the wolves raised their voices in song, howling in harmony with the night sky.

But that night, the usual festivities were nowhere to be found. The celebration had been halted, the pack's joy overshadowed by a far more pressing concern. Inside the pack's hospital, Luna Aveline was in labor, struggling to bring their second child into the world. The air was thick with tension, each breath heavy with the weight of anticipation.

Alpha Roderick, a towering figure with dark hair and piercing eyes, stood beside
his mate, his usually confident demeanor shattered by the pain he felt through their bond. His large hands, rough from years of battle, trembled slightly as he held hers, trying to mask the fear that gnawed at him.

"It's okay, you can do this, honey," Roderick whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he leaned close to Aveline.

Her usually bright eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, were now clouded with pain and exhaustion. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her once lustrous blonde hair clung damply to her face.

She tried to smile at him, but it faltered as another wave of agony crashed through her. Her fingers dug into his hand, nails scraping against his skin until they drew blood. Roderick barely noticed, his focus entirely on his mate. His wolf, usually a fierce and dominant presence, was silent now, overwhelmed by their shared fear and helplessness.

Another anguished cry echoed from Aveline's lips, reverberating through the room and beyond, carried on the night air to the ears of the pack waiting outside. The sound reached Cedric, their young son, who was huddled close to one of the old pack ladies in the hospital's small waiting area.

Alpha Roderick, a towering figure with dark hair and piercing eyes, stood beside his mate, his usually confident demeanor shattered by the pain he felt through their bond. His large hands, rough from years of battle, trembled slightly as he held hers, trying to mask the fear that gnawed at him.

"It's okay, you can do this, honey," Roderick whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he leaned close to Aveline. Her usually bright eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, were now clouded with pain and exhaustion. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her once lustrous blonde hair clung damply to her face.

She tried to smile at him, but it faltered as another wave of agony crashed through her. Her fingers dug into his hand, nails scraping against his skin until they drew blood. Roderick barely
noticed, his focus entirely on his mate. His wolf, usually a fierce and dominant presence, was silent now, overwhelmed by their shared fear and helplessness.

Another anguished cry echoed from Aveline's lips, reverberating through the room and beyond, carried on the night air to the ears of the pack waiting outside. The sound reached Cedric, their young son, who was huddled close to one of the old pack ladies in the hospital's small waiting area.

The boy's wide blue eyes, so much like his mother's, were filled with worry as he clutched a small, worn toy wolf in his hands, a gift from his father when he was born. His golden hair, tousled and messy, fell into his face as he leaned forward, listening intently for any sound that might indicate the arrival of his baby sister.

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