Part 1

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The loss of their daughter took an immense toll on Luna Aveline, a grief so deep and consuming that it eclipsed everything else. The once vibrant and strong-willed Luna, known for her unwavering dedication to the pack, was now a shadow of her former self. She locked herself away in her room, retreating into a world of pain and sorrow where nothing and no one could reach her.

The curtains remained drawn, blocking out the sunlight that once filled the room with warmth. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the occasional rustle of bedding as Aveline turned restlessly in her sleep or the quiet sobs that escaped her when the weight of her grief became too much to bear.

Days turned into weeks, and still, Aveline showed no signs of recovery. Her duties as Luna was left unattended, and her absence was felt keenly by the pack. They missed her guidance, her wisdom, and most of all, her presence. The pack, which had always drawn strength from their Luna, now found themselves adrift, their leader lost in her own despair.

Cedric suffered greatly during this time. He had always been close to his mother, and her withdrawal left a gaping hole in his heart. The once cheerful boy, full of energy and laughter, now wandered the pack grounds in a state of confusion and sadness. His bright blue eyes, which had always sparkled with curiosity, were now dull and shadowed by the pain of abandonment.

He tried everything he could think of to get his mother's attention, hoping to bring back the warmth and love she had always shown him. But nothing worked. His drawings, once proudly displayed on the walls of her room, were now ignored. His attempts to cuddle up to her, to feel the comfort of her embrace, were met with cold indifference.

One day, while playing outside, Cedric fell hard against the rough ground, a large scratch tearing across his arm. Blood gushed from the wound, the pain sharp and immediate. He cried out, his small voice filled with the hope that his mother would come rushing to his side as she always had. But Aveline remained unfazed, her eyes staring blankly at the wall as if she couldn't even hear him. The sight of her son's blood did nothing to break through the fog of her grief.

Cedric's heart broke a little more that day. He realized that his mother, the one person who had always been his source of comfort, was lost to him. He retreated into himself, his once bright personality dimming with each passing day.

Alpha Roderick, struggling to manage the responsibilities of both the Alpha and the Luna, noticed the change in his son, but he was overwhelmed by the weight of his own grief and the duties that now fell solely on his shoulders. He did his best to be there for Cedric, but the pack demanded more of his time and attention, leaving little for his son.

As the situation worsened, the pack began to feel the strain. The Alpha was stretched thin, his once unshakable confidence now wavering as he tried to balance the needs of his people with the heartache of his personal life. The pack, sensing their leader's distress, grew anxious and restless. The bond that held them together was weakening, and whispers of concern spread like wildfire.

It was during this turbulent time that Beta, Erik, and the Gamma, Marcus, requested a private meeting with Alpha Roderick. The two men had been by Roderick's side for years, trusted advisors who had seen the pack through countless trials. However, even they were concerned about the current situation.

In the Alpha's office, a room that was once filled with the warm glow of the fire and the scent of aged wood, the atmosphere was now tense and charged with unspoken concerns. Roderick, his face lined with

exhaustion and his dark hair dishevelled, sat behind his desk, his piercing eyes narrowed as he regarded his Beta and Gamma. The usually strong, commanding presence of the Alpha was marred by the strain of recent events, but there was still an undeniable power in his gaze that demanded respect.

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