Omens part 3

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The friends you make along the way will become your greatest strength.

And your furthest fall.

-excerpt from Iadaelus' Journals.

Ingot sprouted from the ground, its claws pushing dirt aside as its entire body came out into the open. It shook the dirt from its metallic hide, its long tail smacking the ground. It carried a dead creature in its mouth, serpentine and blue, with several limbs running down its body. It crackled with bursts of electricity, but a crunch from Ingot's jaw stopped that.

"Good boy." Enix limped up to his companion, patting his head. His arm had returned after fighting the Gryphons, an ability he learned he had from changing into his gelatinous form and back again. He had grown much taller, and his hair reached down to his waste despite it being tied back. He held a similar serpent-like creature, slick with blood in one hand. He tossed in unceremoniously down and looked at his companion. Its grey armor was more robust than before and, with its massive jaws, claws, and thick tail, had turned it into quite a deadly companion.

"How many?" &#+$ came over to them, a bow in her hand and a quiver of arrows strapped to her leg. Enix blinked. He was unsure as to why. Perhaps he had gotten hit too hard in the head, but while he was capable of hearing and saying his companion's names, he was incapable of remembering them.

"Seven." Enix wiped the blood off his hands on the grass, standing back up to look around. His hand fell on his bracelet.

"How many more until we get the big one?"

"Not sure yet. Did you catch any?"

"They're not exactly out in the open. Hard to shoot at when they're underground."

Enix observed the creatures:

Voltaic Viper


Level 7

While young, these creatures cling to the soil, sending out shocks to draw out worms to eat. Their electricity, a defense mechanism, helps them quickly escape predators. Beware the older variants, however, as they are more predatory, able to constrict prey and swallow creatures of similar size to themselves.

HP: 62

SP: 44

STR: 10

DEX: 14

END: 8

VIT: 11

WIS: 3

INT: 8

CHA: 13

"Heads up!" Enix ducked as another body was flung over his head, joining the one Enix had dropped to the ground. Enix turned to see >&@#$%< jogging to meet them.

"How many?" &#+$ asked. Enix sighed.

"Four. I managed to catch them as they were escaping, but I can't be sure if I caught all of them." He held up his spear, covered in the Beithir's blood.

"There's probably more. We just need to hunt a few more to draw out—" Enix stopped, feeling the ground tremble. Ingot groaned, and without thinking, Enix shoved &#+$ away as the ground erupted below him.

A blur of blue scales encircled Enix and began to constrict around him. He felt the air begin to escape his lungs, concentrating as his skin turned stone gray. He still couldn't breathe, but the Beithir couldn't constrict his body further.

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