Update from Adin

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Kewl. I genuinely don't know what the song is, UNLESS.. when I got a 66.6x round, the overtime was different. Kind of like the beta sensory overload? I'm not sure how to explain very well since I don't know if it's always been like that, and I just never noticed. lol , anyways, ima guess what maps and skins cause, why not?

Game mode guess: Ehhhh- I mean, on the Canada map and Test2 map (only playable by commands /force (map name) in private servers), they have a different game mode. It is similar to conquer but different. Maaybeee????

Two new map guesses: alright, first two that come to mind are Land of Silent Sun and Sunset Plain. I mean, if they do add the game mode on the Canada map, they mind add that map into the game.

Three map reworks: DODGEBALL, The Mall, Roblox HQ, or the museum one. These just come to mind lol- MAAYBE king of the Hill? Or MAAAYEBEE DODGEBALL! Or MAAAAYBEEEE Domino valley? Or MAAAAYBEEEE nuke the whales? ORRRRR MAAAAAAAYBEEEEE roblox laundromat? ORRRRRR IT COULD BE rocket arena? orrr space Knights. maaaaybe it's the iron Cafe? Or underground war? ORR IT COULD B- *gets talking permissions removed*

3. Skin. Guesses. (Not excited I SWEEAR-) are, Scythe, katana (specifically heretic boi) and either boom or skate.

Scythe: she doesn't have a skin!!

Katana: should be out soon-

Boom: hasn't had a new skin in a little bit

Skate: same as boom

I would say coil but they don't usually add skins when phighters come out- actually maybe they do sometimes, I'm not sure, lol- (I want farmer Scythe, NOW)

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